1200字范文 > 山水格局 Landscape Pattern英语短句 例句大全

山水格局 Landscape Pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-19 04:17:41


山水格局 Landscape Pattern英语短句 例句大全

山水格局,Landscape Pattern

1)Landscape Pattern山水格局

1.The paper expounds the origin of "the Eight Sceneries",and takes "the Eight Sceneries" in city site of Yulin as an example to show the landscape pattern of the city site of Yulin.阐述了"八景"的由来,以古城榆林"八景"为例,说明了古城榆林的山水格局,指出当代中国山水园林城市的建设应从自然和人文两方面吸取传统经验,创造出与自然和谐,有地域文化内涵的山水城市,以使城市在"环境"和"意境"两个层面上创造出完美的城市空间意象,使城市成为一道亮丽的风景。

2.The Analyse ofLandscape Pattern & the Research of Architectural Layout in Qingyi Garden during Qianlong Reign;首先从天时、地利、人和三个方面阐述了清漪园营建的缘起;其次,对乾隆时期清漪园的山水格局进行分析,揭示了其山水格局的形成过程,指出了风水形势说这一传统外部空间设计理论在清漪园山水格局形成中的指导作用;最后,综合文献、档案和图纸,对乾隆时期清漪园的建筑布局进行考证,澄清了长期以来对清漪园部分建筑的错误认识,为清漪园地造园艺术的后续研究打下了基础。


1.Shan-Shui Situation of City Landscape and It s Succession and Development;城市景观中的山水格局及其延续与发展初探

2.The Discussion to Construction of Green Veins of Zhengzhou Landscape Pattern基于郑州市域山水格局绿脉营建的探讨

3.Brief Analysis on the Developing State of Landscape Painting in the Early Reriod of Qing Dynasty and Landscape Painting Education;清初山水画发展格局浅析及山水画教学

4.A Study of the Present Ecological Status of Bishan Water Losses and Soil Erosion Pattern in Chongqing;重庆璧山水土流失格局生态现状研究

5.Research on LUCC and Landscape Pattern in Watershed--A Case Study of the Aojiang Shanzai Reservoir;敖江山仔水库流域土地利用/覆盖变化与景观格局研究

6.Spatial Distribution Pattern and Strategy for Water Conservation Function of Vegetation in Qinling Mountains;秦岭山地植被水源涵养功能空间分布格局及生态保育策略

7.The Impact of Land-use on the Ecological Pattern of Soil Erosion in Bishan County, Chongqing, China;重庆壁山土地利用对水土流失生态格局的影响研究

8.Study on Soil and Water Loss Based on Landscape Pattern in Southern Mountain Region of Jinan;基于景观格局分析的济南市南部山区水土流失研究

9.Research on the Vegetation and Soil Moisture of the Distribution Pattern in Mountain Forests-the Arid Valley of Ecotone in the upper Reach of Minjiang River;岷江上游山地森林—干旱河谷交错带植被与土壤水分分布格局研究

10.The Price &Benefit Analysis About Pr imary Product and Material Market and Countermeasure of Shui Kou Shan M ining Bureau;水口山矿务局主要产品及原料市场的价格与效益分析和对策

11.Spatial distribution pattern of Pinus tabulaeformis population in Taiyue Mountain,Shanxi Province山西太岳山油松种群的空间分布格局


13.Geomantic Thought in Ecological Space Construction of Landscape Towns山水城镇景观生态空间格局营建的风水思想初探——以潼南古溪镇规划为例

14.Study on the Construction of Urban Green System Pattern Based on the "Fengshui Pattern" Conception基于“风水格局”理念的城市绿地系统格局探析

15.Distribution pattern of tree layer species diversity based on RS and GIS:A case study of water conservation forests in montane regions of eastern Liaoning Province of China基于RS与GIS的乔木层物种多样性分布格局——以辽东山区水源涵养林为例

16.Study on Regeneration Pattern in Secondary Forest in Maoershan Region;帽儿山地区天然次生林更新格局研究

17.Research of Spatial Distribution Pattern for The Schrenk Spruce Forest;天山云杉天然林林分空间格局的研究

18.Spatial and Temporal Pattern of the Avian Nest Webs Structure in Secondary Forest;山地次生林鸟类巢网结构的时空格局


Natural Shanshui Style自然山水格局

1.Unscrambling the Correct and False Aspect ofNatural Shanshui Style——Taking Heyang Village in Jinyun County,Zhejiang as an Example;自然山水格局正误解读——以浙江省缙云县河阳村为例

3)shan-shui situation of city城市山水格局

1.The thesis mainly discusses issues of preservation and succession ofshan-shui situation of city landscape.城市原有农业文明的“壳”再也无法包裹工业文明的“核”,开山筑路、填河建楼,最初促成城市形成的山水格局被肢解,城市风貌开始丧失、生态开始恶化、社会资源大量被浪费……作为自然一部分的城市山水格局该何去何从?笔者以南京为例,提出在延续原有山水格局的基础上,建立新的城市山水格局。

4)basin-range pattern盆山格局

1.The key to reconstruct marine-continental features andbasin-range patterns in geohistory as objectively as possible is to find, within a given time constraint, the "disappeared" tectonopalaeogeographic units and the later "appeared.以活动论构造观为指导,尽可能客观地复原地史期间海陆面貌和盆山格局的关键是在给定时间约束之后,于研究区现存的地质记录中发现业已消失了的和后期才出现的构造古地理单元。

5)the Pattern of the Hills群山格局

6)Mountain stronghold"s layout山寨式格局


