1200字范文 > 科学划界 demarcation of science英语短句 例句大全

科学划界 demarcation of science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-04 07:03:25


科学划界 demarcation of science英语短句 例句大全

科学划界,demarcation of science

1)demarcation of science科学划界

1.Thedemarcation of science: from essentialism to constructivism;科学划界:从本质主义到建构论

2.However,there are serious drawbacks whether positivism or negativism is taken as the criterion of thedemarcation of science,especially for social science including economics.当然,无论是证实主义还是证伪主义作为科学划界的标准都存在缺陷,对包括经济学在内的社会科学尤其如此。


1.Systematization and Reflection: A special thought about the delimiting psychology;从科学划界看心理学划界的深层思考

2.Is Economics a Science? --A Survey Based on the Criterion of the Demarcation of Science经济学是一门科学吗?——基于科学划界标准的审视

3.On Cordinal Spirit of Science Liesin Criticism between the Main;论科学的根本精神是主体间的批判——兼论科学与非科学划界问题

4.A Review of the Western Philosophy of Science on ScientificDemarcation and its Evolution in the Twentieth Century;二十世纪西方科学哲学关于科学划界的思想及其演变

5.How to reject pseudo-science?--from absolute to plural demarcation criteria;我们如何拒斥伪科学?——从绝对到多元的科学划界标准

6.Two kinds of Demarcation of Science from Non-science According to Logiscism;逻辑主义关于科学与非科学的两种划界

7.Analysis of "Technological Practice" by Differentiating Science from Technology理解“技术实践”——基于科学、技术的划界

8.The Research Program of Philosophy of TechnologyFrom the Point of View of Demarcation between Science & Technology;从科学与技术的划界来看技术哲学的研究纲领

9.An Interpretation of the Thought “Human Science”in Paris Manuscript by Marx --A Combined Study on Where Philosophy and Science Differ;马克思《巴黎手稿》“人的科学”思想的解读——兼论哲学与科学的划界

10.World Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development应用科学和技术促进发展世界行动计划

11."Commuting" non-identified:Chinese dispute on the retention or abolition of scientific and non-scientific demarcation;“行”辨是非:从中医存废之争谈科学与非科学的划界

12.The delimitation and connection betweenscience and technology from mathematical angle --concurrently on the mathematical problem of "Joseph Needham s Tickler;从数学谈科学与技术的划界及联系——兼谈“李约瑟难题”的数学问题

13.Mathematical Planning and World Image:Critique on Heidegger s Anti-science Thought;数学筹划与世界的图像化——评析海德格尔的反科学思想

14.Plan and Build the Subjects to Develop a "People-satisfied and World-first-class"University;抓好学科规划与建设,创建“人民满意、世界一流”大学

15.Scientific Prizes of the Third World Academy of Sciences第三世界科学院科学奖

16.A Critic of Theoretical Thinking and Engineering Thinking in the Humanities and Social Sciences;思维方式:僭越与划界——人文社会学科中理论思维与工程思维之批判

17.Sociology:Between Philosophy and Psychology--research on classical sociologists thought of sociological demarcation;社会学:在哲学与心理学之间——经典社会学家的社会学学科划界思想探析

18.Schools Environmental Award Scheme [SEAS]学界环境保护奖励计划



1.How to reject pseudo-science?——from absolute to pluraldemarcation criteria;我们如何拒斥伪科学?——从绝对到多元的科学划界标准

2.Aristotle’s thoughts about thedemarcation has been found in this paper according to the writer’s reading Physics,Organon and Metaphysics.作者通过解读《物理学》、《工具论》、《形而上学》等著作 ,梳理出亚里士多德的科学划界观。

3)science demarcation科学划界

1.Feyerabend s power knowledge expresses prominently such as,nation power dominates the criteria ofscience demarcation;reason hegemony monopolizes the method of knowledge production;respecting exclusively science knowledge hinders social democracy and freedom;and it embodies scientif.费耶阿本德的权力知识论突出表现在:国家权力支配了科学划界的标准;理性霸权垄断了知识生产的路径;唯科学独尊的科学知识妨碍了社会的民主和自由;在国际领域则是科学知识帝国主义和文化霸权。

2.Science philosophers were in the embarrassing situation of the debate about the issue ofscience demarcation in the late 20th century.在20世纪后期,在关于科学划界问题上,科学哲学家陷入了争论不休的尴尬局面。

4)Subject demarcation学科划界

5)demarcation of science科学划界标准

6)division of science and technology科学技术划界


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
