1200字范文 > 话剧导演 Drama Director英语短句 例句大全

话剧导演 Drama Director英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-15 03:10:17


话剧导演 Drama Director英语短句 例句大全

话剧导演,Drama Director

1)Drama Director话剧导演


1.From Jiao Juyin to Huang Zuolin:The Second Turn of Directing in Contemporary Chinese Plays;从焦菊隐到黄佐临:中国当代话剧导演理念的二度转向

2.Space for Imagination: Director s Note on Mei Jian Chi;在“画面”上留白——小剧场话剧《眉间尺》导演创作笔记

3.An Analysis of the Expression of the Editor s Conceit in the Segmental Teaching--About the rehearsal of "Juebie" in Cao Yu s "Fmily";导演构思在片段教学中的体现——曹禺话剧《家》片段《诀别》的排演

4.We Are Growing up in the Interpretation and Rehearsal of the Master"s Classics--A director"s notebook for the play"Othello"在解读大师和排演经典中成长——话剧《奥赛罗》导演手札

5.Our theatrical company will rehearse and stage a small theatre drama.我们剧社将排演一出小剧场话剧。

6.Performance and Actor Training in Experimental Dramas小剧场话剧中的微相表演及演员训练

7.The actor followed his advice.喜剧演员听从了他的话。…

8.laugh at a comedian, a joke被喜剧演员、 被笑话逗笑.

9.The mechanics of staging a play are very complicated.排演话剧的过程很复杂.

10.we are going to stage Othello.我们今天晚上表演话剧。

11.She" s acted in a lot of pantomime.她演过很多童话剧.

12.Our class presented ( or offered ) a play.我们班演出了一个话剧。

13.That Kao hadn"t become an actor was a misfortune for the stage and a blessing for the actors.他没演话剧,是话剧的不幸而是演员们的大幸——

14.Performances of Actors and Actresses:Mythical Archetypes of Theatrical Performances;演员的表演——戏剧表演的神话原型

15.The script was delivered to the director ahead of schedule.剧本已提前送交导演了。

16.the theatre has announced that the stage play will not be performed.剧院公布了这出话剧停演的消息。

17.The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy.神话中的悲剧原型演变为现代悲剧。

18.a play acted entirely in mime完全以哑剧形式演出的话剧


modern drama performers话剧演员

3)opera performance话剧表演

1.In the latest 20 years, theopera performance system underwent a series of reform and probe in China.近 2 0年来 ,我国话剧表演体制进行了一系列的改革和探索。

4)put on a play; perform a play演出话剧

5)opera director歌剧导演

6)a stage director戏剧导演


