1200字范文 > 军旅话剧 Military drama英语短句 例句大全

军旅话剧 Military drama英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-21 21:44:40


军旅话剧 Military drama英语短句 例句大全

军旅话剧,Military drama

1)Military drama军旅话剧

1.Military drama because the specific cultural background, has long been seen as a political tool and the client, because it plays to the utilitarian position and aimed high, symbols of the characters, so will the loss of the theater with the aesthetic character.本文以2002年—间入选“国家舞台艺术精品工程”中的三部军旅话剧为研究对象,从人物塑造的角度切入,对军旅话剧人物形象塑造回归戏剧创作本体,人物形象塑造展现的复调性对话两方面来研究军旅话剧呈现出的审美趋向。


1.Breaking and Changing: Research on Troop Stage Plays in the Nineties;突围与嬗变:90年代军旅话剧研究

2.The Mythology of Hero in the Chinese Military TV Plays英雄神话在军旅题材电视剧中的消解与重构

3.It was a musical about life in the military.这是一部描写军旅生活的音乐剧,

4.Angela: "TRAVEL COMPANY BOSS IN ADDRESS BOOK DRAMA."安琪拉:“旅游公司老板电话通讯录戏剧性事件。”

5.On the Opposite Image in the TV Plays with Military Theme;延异与抹擦——论军旅题材电视剧中被解构的反面形象

6.A Centenary History of Chinese Spoken Drama in China and the World;话剧百年:从中国话剧到世界华语话剧

7.So you can only visit some top attractions such as the Sydney Opera House, Harbor Bridge.这样的话,只能游览悉尼歌剧院、港桥之类的顶极旅游点了。

8.A telephone caller said there was a bomb in the hotel but it was just a hoax.打电话者声称旅馆里有一颗炸弹,但这不过是一场恶作剧而已。

9.The situation comedies, dramas, soap operas, talk shows,有情景戏剧、戏剧、肥皂剧、谈话节目、

10.Our theatrical company will rehearse and stage a small theatre drama.我们剧社将排演一出小剧场话剧。

11.Small Theater Drama--Expending Artistic Space for Stage Plays小剧场戏剧——拓展话剧的艺术空间

12.A Note on the Neologism of "Huaju";说说“话剧”这个名称——兼及从“爱美剧”到“话剧”

13.Screw Cat Troupe, Insensate Stone Troupe, Taichung Young Man Opera Shop, Army Honor Guard.螺丝猫剧团、顽石剧团、东海青年歌剧坊、陆军仪队。

14.the theatre has announced that the stage play will not be performed.剧院公布了这出话剧停演的消息。

15.The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy.神话中的悲剧原型演变为现代悲剧。

16.a play acted entirely in mime完全以哑剧形式演出的话剧

17.Miss Fan"s one hobby was reading plays, especially tragedies.她平时有个嗜好,爱看话剧,尤其是悲剧。

18.The Unique Charm of Drama From Thunderstorn;从话剧《雷雨》看戏剧的独特艺术魅力


military dramas军旅戏剧

1.With a salient aesthetic style,the contemporary Chinesemilitary dramas have made a particular achievement in the motif and the creation of artistic conception,and provided some good experiences for the contemporary Chinese dramas.中国当代军旅戏剧有着突出的美学风格,在创作主题和意境开掘方面取得了独特成就,为丰富中国当代戏剧舞台提供了可资借鉴的经验。

3)army drama军旅剧作

4)In the Army军旅趣话

5)Military TV plays军旅电视剧

6)Movies and TV drama of Army军旅题材影视剧


