1200字范文 > 话剧小品 drama skit英语短句 例句大全

话剧小品 drama skit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-27 06:25:06


话剧小品 drama skit英语短句 例句大全

话剧小品,drama skit

1)drama skit话剧小品

2)comic sketches喜剧小品

1.Humor is the soul ofcomic sketches,therefore the humor discourse incomic sketches becomes the main factor to attract the audience.喜剧小品是一种深受大众喜爱的电视艺术,幽默是喜剧小品的灵魂,喜剧小品中的幽默话语自然就成了吸引观众的法宝。

2.Humor discourse contains plenty of language techniques,and this thesis applies Hallidayan linguistic theory —typically genre theory to the study of the humor discourse incomic sketches on TV.幽默话语蕴含了丰富的语言艺术,本文以电视喜剧小品为例,以韩礼德的语类结构理论为基础,详细的分析了幽默话语的语类结构潜式、语类结构顺序及语类结构的相互交叉对小品幽默效果形成的促进作用。

3.Incomic sketches,in order to make people laugh,the humors made by language materials are numerous.在喜剧小品中,为了在较短的时间内充分调动人们笑的神经,以语言材料打造的幽默层出不穷。


edy Sketch Language World "Deviation" and Humorous;喜剧小品语言世界的“偏离”与幽默

2.Cooperative Principle and the Humor of the Comic Short Play of Zhao Benshan合作原则与赵本山喜剧小品中的幽默

3.Analysis of the Ideological Pattern of Comic Sketches--A Case Study of Huang Hong and Zhao Ben-shan;喜剧小品的意识形态分析——以黄宏、赵本山为例

4.You might be the only woman who"s ever transcended sketch comedy to become a serious actress.你也许是唯一一个超越了喜剧小品 而成为正剧演员的女性

5.Cognitive Interpretation of the Humorous Language of Zhao Benshan s Comic Sketches by Means of Conceptual Integration Theory;运用概念整合理论分析赵本山喜剧小品中的幽默语言

6.Infitration and conflict of language with local and fashion characteristic in Zhao Benshan s short sketch;赵本山喜剧小品言语地域色彩和时尚色彩的渗透与碰撞

7.But you"re the only one who stars in a late-night sketch comedy show whose staple is attacking the religious right.但你确是唯一的深夜喜剧小品明星 而这节目的要义就是攻击保守派宗教运动

8.The Generic Structure of the Humor Discourse--A Study on Chinese Humor Discourse of Comic Sketches on TV;幽默话语语类结构研究——以中国电视喜剧小品中的幽默话语为例分析

ic and Its Motivation--On the Aesthetic Mode of Short Sketch;喜剧性及其生成因素——兼论小品剧的审美体式

10.On the comedic beauty of ZHAO Shuli′s novels;喜剧语言、喜剧情境与喜剧形象的完美统一——论赵树理小说的喜剧美

11.Children like to play pranks on people.小孩子喜欢跟人恶作剧。

12.a satirical play, poem, sketch, etc讽刺剧、 诗、 小品等.

13.We call that a sketch, but usually, their shows don"t look like comedies.我们称之为“小品”。但是,通常情况下他们的演出看不去并不像喜剧。

14.The Two-Inch-Wide Little Bit of Ivory-Informal discussion on Jane Austen country comedy;“两英寸大小的象牙上的雕刻品”——漫谈简·奥斯汀的乡间喜剧

15.mimics literary or musical style for comic effect.为喜剧效果而摹仿写作作品或喜剧文章。

16.A literary or cinematic work of a comic nature or that uses the themes or methods of comedy.喜剧作品有喜剧性质的文学或电影作品,或是采用喜剧的主题或方法的文学或电影作品

17.a dramatic composition involving elements of both tragedy and comedy usually with the tragic predominating.既有悲剧成分又有喜剧成分的戏剧作品,通常悲剧成分占主体。

18.I prefer comedy to tragedy.我喜欢喜剧, 不喜欢悲剧.


comic sketches喜剧小品

1.Humor is the soul ofcomic sketches,therefore the humor discourse incomic sketches becomes the main factor to attract the audience.喜剧小品是一种深受大众喜爱的电视艺术,幽默是喜剧小品的灵魂,喜剧小品中的幽默话语自然就成了吸引观众的法宝。

2.Humor discourse contains plenty of language techniques,and this thesis applies Hallidayan linguistic theory —typically genre theory to the study of the humor discourse incomic sketches on TV.幽默话语蕴含了丰富的语言艺术,本文以电视喜剧小品为例,以韩礼德的语类结构理论为基础,详细的分析了幽默话语的语类结构潜式、语类结构顺序及语类结构的相互交叉对小品幽默效果形成的促进作用。

3.Incomic sketches,in order to make people laugh,the humors made by language materials are numerous.在喜剧小品中,为了在较短的时间内充分调动人们笑的神经,以语言材料打造的幽默层出不穷。

3)drama pieces正剧小品

4)The parergon小品剧

1.The parergon play has becaome the most popular art.本文以崔凯先生的小品剧为研究对象,认为正是小品剧具有艺术综合、地方特色、平民视角等审美特征,才魅力无穷的。

5)short and simple drama戏剧小品

1.Contemporarily,short and simple dramas still play an important role in the cultural lives of Chinese people,and are becoming more and more important.戏剧小品是前苏联戏剧家斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基在《演员自我修养》中提出的。

6)modern drama话剧

1.A research intomodern drama and the inovationof traditional opera;新时期话剧与戏曲革新探索述论

2.As a new artistic element, the multi-media optical technology shows artistic glamour and development prospect in creation and performance ofmodern drama.近年来,话剧工作者不断探索,推陈出新,为话剧的发展,探索出了诸多的可能性。

3.The history of Chinesemodern drama can be roughly divided into four stages.20世纪中国话剧史可以划分为四个大的阶段。


