1200字范文 > 辙叉 crossing英语短句 例句大全

辙叉 crossing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-13 21:55:53


辙叉 crossing英语短句 例句大全



1.Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of ZGMn13Cu2NV Steel Crossing after Explosion Hardening;爆炸硬化ZGMn13Cu2NV钢辙叉的组织和性能

2.Failure Mechanism and Worn Surface Microstructure of High Manganese Steel and Bainite Steel Crossings;高锰钢和贝氏体钢辙叉失效机理及其磨面组织

3.Flash butt welding of bainite steelcrossing with U71Mn steel rail贝氏体钢辙叉与U71Mn钢轨的焊接


1.rail bound manganese steel frog钢轨组合锰钢叉心辙叉

2.distance between nose and fine nose辙叉尖端和理论尖端间的距离

3.Study on Microstructure and Properties of New Type Bainitic Rail Steels for Switch-Point Component;新型贝氏体辙叉心轨组织、性能研究

4.Dissimilar Welding of Bainitic Steel Crossing and U71MN Rail贝氏体钢辙叉与U71Mn钢钢轨的焊接

5.Cracking Analysis of Arc Hardfacing Layer of Bainite Steel Frog贝氏体钢辙叉电弧堆焊层的开裂分析

6.Flash butt welding of bainite steel crossing with U71Mn steel rail贝氏体钢辙叉与U71Mn钢轨的焊接

7.Study on Explosive Hardening of Hadfield Steel Rail Frogs高锰钢整铸辙叉爆炸硬化实践与研究

8.Investigations on the Surface Spalling Mechanism and Performance Improvement of ZG-Mn13 Railway Frog;ZG-Mn13铁路辙叉表面剥落机理及其性能改进研究

9.Finite Element Analysis on Wheel-frog of Transit Car;城轨车辆轮对与辙叉接触的有限元研究

10.Investigations of Hydrogen Embrittlement Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of Bainite Steel Used for Crossing;辙叉用贝氏体钢的氢脆特性及失效机理研究

11.Study on Surfacing Characteristics of Bainite Welding Rod Repairing Frog Heart Track基于贝氏体焊条修复辙叉心轨堆焊性研究

12.Research and Application of Strengthening and Toughening Process for High-manganese Steel Middle Rail Frog高锰钢辙叉心轨强韧化工艺的研究与应用

13.Heat treatment and application of W-Al-containing bainitic steel used for crossing辙叉用含钨铝贝氏体钢的热处理及其应用

14.The vertex of the angle created by the intersection of rails in a frog or switch.辙叉角在岔心或岔道上,由铁轨交叉而成的角的顶点

15.A device on intersecting railroad tracks that permits wheels to cross the junction.辙叉装在火车铁轨相交处使车轮穿过连接处的装置

16.Study on Microstructure and Property of the Flash Butt Welding Joint between High Manganese Steel Frog and Rail Steel;高锰钢辙叉与钢轨闪光对焊接头组织形态与性能的研究

17.Analysis of Wheel/Rail Contact Stress and Influent Factors in the Alloy Steel Combined Frog;合金钢组合辙叉轮轨接触应力及其影响因素分析

18.Study on Effect of Tempering on Microstructure and Properties of Bainitic Rail Steels for Switch- Point Component回火工艺对贝氏体辙叉心轨钢组织性能影响研究



1.According to a new type offrog made of granular bainitic steel,the paper researches a special welding electrode for repairing and joining.针对新型辙叉用贝氏体钢,研制出一种焊接工艺性能良好、焊缝组织为粒状贝氏体的、用于焊接修补和连接的专用焊条。

2.At home and abroad, the non-gap joining technique of railway was studied to develop the rapid transit railway and to prolong the service life offrog.为了发展高速铁路和提高辙叉的使用寿命 ,国内外对铁路钢轨与钢轨、钢轨与辙叉的无缝连接技术进行了大量的研究。

3.All around the world, most countries use high-manganese steel as thefrog steel.辙叉是铁路结构中损伤最严重的部位。

3)railway frog铁路辙叉

1.Influence of Work Hardening on Railway Frog Surface Spalling of 1.14C-12.72Mn High Manganese Steel;加工硬化对1.14C-12.72Mn钢铁路辙叉表面剥落的影响

2.Finite Element Analysis on Stress Conditions of High Manganese Steel Railway Frog;高锰钢铁路辙叉应力状态有限元分析

3.Arailway frog made of high manganese steel failed before an expected life due to spalling of the nose rail.高锰钢铁路辙叉在使用过程中因心轨表面龟裂剥落而提前失效,对其进行了扫描电镜观察和能谱仪测试分析。

4)welded frog焊接辙叉

1.Present status and innovation of bainitic steelwelded frog;贝氏体钢焊接辙叉的现状与再创新

5)Railroad crossing grinder辙叉磨床

6)Railroad crossing repairing辙叉维修


