1200字范文 > 会车 crossing英语短句 例句大全

会车 crossing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-01 10:08:06


会车 crossing英语短句 例句大全



1.Influence of velocity on transient aerodynamic characteristics of vehiclescrossing each other车速对会车车辆瞬态气动特性的影响

2.Transient aerodynamic computational simulation on vehiclescrossing each other in tunnel轿车客车隧道中会车过程的瞬态CFD仿真


1.nonstop crossing of opposite trains对向列车的不停车会车

2.Influence of velocity on transient aerodynamic characteristics of vehicles crossing each other车速对会车车辆瞬态气动特性的影响

3.The Meeting Condition between Vehicles Loaded with Out-of-Gauge Goods and Freight Trains on Adjacent Lines超限货物列车与邻线普通货物列车会车条件

4.Transient aerodynamic computational simulation on vehicles crossing each other in tunnel轿车客车隧道中会车过程的瞬态CFD仿真

5.shatterproof automobile windows.不会碎的汽车车窗玻璃。

6.Goods Vehicle Fleet Owners Association Limited货车车队联会有限公司

7.Truck Body and Equipment Association卡车车身和设备协会

8.Oil on your car tires will perish them.车胎上的油会毁损车胎。

9.Waiting room候车(船、机、会客)室

10.race saloon cars, bikes, etc in rallies在公路赛车会上赛轿车、 自行车等

11.Can Mary ride a bicycle? Yes, she can (ride a bicycle).玛丽会骑脚踏车吗?是的,她会(骑脚踏车)。

12.All bicycles are included. All lighting system will also be included.参加者不需自备单车,本会将会提供单车及车头车尾灯等照明系统。

13.I can ride a bicycle, and I can drive a car, but I can not ride a horse.我会骑自行车,而且我会开汽车。但我不会骑马。

14.Don"t brake suddenly, the car behind might crash into you.别突然刹车,后面的那辆车可能会撞着你车的。

15.If my car was working I would drive you to the station.要不是我的车坏了,我会开车送你去车站。

16.Taxi Dealers and Owners Association Limited的士车行车主协会有限公司

17.Those who burn up the road often cause accidents.那些开快车的人常常会出车祸。

18.If you sit at the back of the bus, you may feel travel sick.如果坐在汽车后部,您可能会晕车。


train corssing列车会车

3)no-stop meeting不停车会车

1.The relative late-time of the two trains running in the oppositedirection is guoted to illustrate the trainsno-stop meeting,andthen a more accurate condition and the formula for calculatingthe probability of realizingno-stop meeting are given.本文首先描述了两相对运行列车的相对晚点时分与不停车会车的关系,从而得到一组更准确的不停车会车的实现条件并由此导出不停车会车的实现概率的计算公式。

4)auto society汽车社会

1.Thus, we must focus on theauto society, viewing auto industry from the angle of the futureauto society, viewing auto production from the perspective of the development o.中国汽车产业已进入以大众消费为基础的快速增长阶段,中国从“自行车社会”走向汽车社会只是时间问题,这一发展方向是不可逆转的。

2.But what makes one regret is that,China currently has not fully realized the huge costs ofauto society,or made full preparations for entering intoauto society yet."汽车社会"是工业社会发展到一定阶段后出现的一种社会现象。

5)General vehicle社会车辆

6)passing trains交会列车


