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和睦 harmony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-31 02:50:52


和睦 harmony英语短句 例句大全



1.Each book of the Bible has its distinctive feature in developing the concept ofharmony, yet such concept is most obvious and direct in the Gospel of Matthew.圣经的各卷在阐述和睦时都各具特色,但“和睦”观在《马太福音》中似乎表现得更为突出和直接。

2.Based on the theory of individualism and collectivism (Triandis, 1995) and Chinese specific communicative norms grounded on the notions of Chinese self andharmony (Gao, Ting-Toomey & Gudykunst, 1996), we examined the evidence use in English argumentative writing by using a parallel corpus of L1 (sampled from Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays) and L2 (sampled from Chinese Learner Eng.本研究的的理论框架来源于Triandis(1995)的“个人主义/集体主义”的理论及中国文化中中的自我、和睦观念(Gao,Ting-Toomey & Gudykunst,1996)。


1.living in concord(with neighbouring states)(与邻国)和睦相处.

2.Living Together in Harmony, Making Common Progress和睦相处 和谐共进

3.My cat and dog live together in perfect harmony.我的猫和狗和睦相处。

4.He is at peace with his neighbours.他和邻居都很和睦。

5.General Agreement on Peace and National Accord和平与民族和睦总协定

6.She doesn"t relate very well to her mother.她不能与母亲和睦相处。

7.We are on a friendly footing.我们彼此和睦相处。

8.The two peoples live at unity.两国人民和睦相处。

9.We live in peace with our neighbours.我们同邻居和睦相处。

10.Both sides desired to live in amity.双方都愿意和睦相处。

11.but in general, people have learned to live together in peace.人们大多都和睦相处。

12.To be on good terms with other people,为了与别人和睦相处,

13.They are a united family.他们是和睦的家庭。

14.live together in perfect union十分和睦地在一起生活.

15.Ours is a harmonious family.我们家是个和睦的家庭。

16.Agreement on Non-Aggression and Good- Neighbourliness互不侵犯和睦邻协定

17.They lived in amity with their neighbors.他们与邻居和睦相处。

18.We live in peace with our neighbors.我们与邻居和睦相处。



3)live in harmony和睦相处

4)family harmony家庭和睦

1.It contributes tofamily harmony,social stability and solution to supporting the aged that exists in Chinese history.它促进了家庭和睦、社会稳定,解决了中国历史上的养老难题。

2.The writer,in these stories,makes a deep thinking in way of both criticism and compliment on human relations which are related to couples,marriage and love,filial piety,family harmony and family ethics.《聊斋志异》虽是述奇记异之作,却是多具人情,对夫妇人伦、婚姻爱情、孝道、家庭和睦等家庭伦理有比较深入写照和思考,既有对家庭伦理的沦丧的批判,也有对闪耀其间的美好人伦的褒扬。

5)religion harmony宗教和睦

6)concording brothers兄弟和睦


