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融洽 Harmony英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-28 17:21:43


融洽 Harmony英语短句 例句大全



1.The harmony and compatibility of valuations with higher level orderings on a module are introduced,and the close interplay between valuations and higher level orderings is investigated.引进了模上赋值与高层序的融洽和相容等概念,由此研究模上赋值与高层序之间的密切关系。

2.Then, the harmony andcompatibility of valuations with higher level orderings on a module are introduced,and the close interplay between valuations and higher level orderings is investigated.然后引进了模上赋值与高层序的融洽和相容等概念,由此研究模上赋值与高层序之间的密切关系。


1.be in rapport with...与…关系密切 [融洽]

2.My children are getting on like a house on fire我的孩子们相处很融洽。

3.At ease with my peers.与我的同事关系融洽

4.A land of harmony and hope,一片融洽和希望的土地,

5.She gets along well with her mother-in-law她与公婆相处融洽。

6.With a sweet emotion;融洽于甜蜜的深情。

7.We do not get on well together.我们相处得不融洽。

8.The members of the class are getting on very well with one another.同学之间相处得很融洽。

9.They hit it off well with each other.他们相处得很融洽。

10.We had a solid marriage;我们的夫妻关系很融洽。

11.They therefore went into the drawingroom in good humour with each other.他们于是彼此融融洽洽地走进客厅里去。

12.One thaw led to another.那次融洽的交流开了个好头。

13.We had a cordial and frank conversation.我们相互间的谈话是融洽的和坦率的。

14.helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation.有利于带来一种融洽的配合。

15.They had a perfect working relationship.他们之间的工作关系很融洽。

16.The Count of Mocerf was no favorite with his colleagues.伯爵与他的同僚们并不融洽。

17.The relations between them have become still more harmonious.他们之间的关系更融洽了。

18.She seem to be well in with the right people她和她应该相处的人看来十分融洽


harmonious development融洽发展

3)harmonic congruence融洽同余

1.By introducing the notion ofharmonic congruences for ordered monoids,a M-valuation on a commuttative ring is decomposed into a cancellative M-valuation and a Manis valuation with null core on the residue ring of this cancellative M-valuation.通过在序幺半群上引进融洽同余,交换环上M-赋值被分解为一个可消M-赋值及其剩余环的一个核为零的Manis赋值。

4)Relational Harmonization关系融洽

5)harmonizing cooperation融洽合作

6)harmonious emotion情感融洽


