1200字范文 > 文化翻译理论 cultural translation theory英语短句 例句大全

文化翻译理论 cultural translation theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-30 12:54:00


文化翻译理论 cultural translation theory英语短句 例句大全

文化翻译理论,cultural translation theory

1)cultural translation theory文化翻译理论


1.The Utility of Cultural Translation Theory in the Translation of Juvenile Literature;文化翻译理论在儿童文学翻译中的应用

2.Relevance Translation Theory and E-C Proverb Cross-culture Translation;关联翻译理论和英汉谚语跨文化翻译

3.The Applification of Relevance Theory in the Course of Cultural Translation;关联理论翻译观在文化翻译中的应用

4.On Cultural Transference of Translation Subject in Traditional Chinese Translation Theories;试论中国古代翻译理论中翻译主体的文化流变

5.Chinese Cooking Culture and Its Translation Based on Peter Newmark s Translation Theory;从纽马克的翻译理论看中国烹饪文化与翻译

6.A Study of Translation of Cultural Other from the Perspective of Deconstructive Translation Theories;从解构主义翻译理论看文化他者的翻译

7.On the Development of Translation Theories and Cultural Problems in Translation;翻译理论的发展及对翻译中的文化问题的探析

8.Reconstructing Cultural Image of Advertisement from Functionalistic Approach;从功能翻译理论看广告翻译中文化意象的重构

9.The Application of Newmark s Theories in the Translation of Cultural Terms;纽马克翻译理论在翻译文化用语时的应用

10.Campos "Cannibalism": Translation Theory and Practice in Brazil;巴西的翻译:“吃人”翻译理论与实践及其文化内涵

11.On Cultural Elements Translating from Chinese into English from Perspective of Functionalism从功能翻译理论角度看汉英翻译中的文化传输

12.On interaction between translation literature and translation language culture based on Hermeneutics theory;从阐释学理论论翻译文学与译语文化的互动

13.Cognitive schema theory:domestication and foreignization in cultural translation;认知图示理论与文化翻译的归化,异化

14.A Functionalist Approach to English Translation of Chinese Tour Guide Manuals;功能翻译论与中文导游词英译的文化信息处理

15.Towards a Theory of Cultural Translation Criticism Based on a Comparison between Chinese and Western Traditions;中西比较语境下的文化翻译批评理论

16.Translation in Cultural Context and the Enlightenment of Relevance Theory;文化语境下的翻译及关联理论的启示

17.A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Cultural Default and Its Reconstruction in Translation;从关联理论看文化缺省及其翻译重构

18.The Comprehension and Translation of the Culture-loaded Words in The Analects;《论语》中文化负载词的理解与翻译


Cultural Translation文化翻译论

3)On Cultural Translation论文化翻译

4)cultural-oriented translation theory文化方向型翻译理论

5)Translation Theories of Culture Studies文化学派翻译理论

6)Translated literature theory翻译文学理论


