1200字范文 > 教育人道 educational humanity英语短句 例句大全

教育人道 educational humanity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-02 06:08:11


教育人道 educational humanity英语短句 例句大全

教育人道,educational humanity

1)educational humanity教育人道

2)Educational Humanitarianism教育人道主义

3)military ethical education军人道德教育

1.The purport of this thesis is to research the problems and solutions facing themilitary ethical education during the transition stage of our society .本文以研究社会转型期军人道德教育面临的问题和对策为主旨。

4)education medico教育育人

1.Library of teaching hospital andeducation medico;教学医院图书馆与教育育人

5)Thoughts of Harmonious Education人道主义教育思想

1.Paflesh s School of Today——A Practical Base of Sukhomlinskii sThoughts of Harmonious Education;今天的帕夫雷什学校——苏霍姆林斯基人道主义教育思想的实践基地


1.Paflesh s School of Today--A Practical Base of Sukhomlinskii s Thoughts of Harmonious Education;今天的帕夫雷什学校——苏霍姆林斯基人道主义教育思想的实践基地

2.Leo Tolstoy s Influence on Luxun s Thought of Humanistic Education--To the 70th Anniversary of Luxun s Death;托尔斯泰对鲁迅人道主义教育思想的影响——纪念鲁迅逝世70周年

3.Olympicism and Ideolistic,Moral Education of Schools;奥林匹克主义与学校的思想道德教育

4.A Moral Analysis on the Theory of Humanism Education and Its Proactical Reference人本主义教育思想的德育解读与借鉴

5.Marxist Anthropology and the Ideological and Political Education马克思主义人学思想与当代思想政治教育

6.On Strengthening the Educating of Marxism Human Rights Viewpoints in ethics Education;思想政治教育中应加强马克思主义人权观教育

7.Positive influences of educational concept featured with scientific human-centred thinking on university P.E.;科学人本主义教育思想对高校体育教育的影响

8.A Consideration about How to Develop patriotism in the Moral-forming Lectures;在思想道德修养课中进行爱国主义教育的思考

9.We Should Develop People s Initiative in Modern Education for Ideology and Morality;现代思想道德教育要发展人的主体性

10.Educational Theory of Rogers′ Humanism Psychology;罗杰斯的人本主义教育思想对当代教育的启示

11.The Reform of P.E.Teaching Methools Based on the Educational Thought of Humanism人本主义教育思想与体育教学方法改革

12.The Innovation of the Ideological and Moral Education in the Building of the New Socialist Countryside;论社会主义新农村建设中的思想道德教育创新

13.To Command the young people s thought by moral education of the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor;以社会主义荣辱观统领青少年思想道德教育

14.Construct A Harmonious Socialist Society by Strengthening Ideological & Moral Instruction;加强思想道德教育 构建社会主义和谐社会

15.Socialist National Spirits with Chinese Characteristics and the Moral Education of the Students;社会主义民族精神与大学生思想道德教育

16.Mao Zedong Thought on Socialist Moral Education and Its Practice;毛泽东的社会主义道德教育思想与实践

17.Christian Humanism Education and Matteo Ricci s Christian Humanism Thought;基督教人文主义教育和利玛窦的基督教人文主义思想

18.The Marxist Theory of Human s Complete Development & Ideological and Political Education;马克思主义人的全面发展理论与思想政治教育


Educational Humanitarianism教育人道主义

3)military ethical education军人道德教育

1.The purport of this thesis is to research the problems and solutions facing themilitary ethical education during the transition stage of our society .本文以研究社会转型期军人道德教育面临的问题和对策为主旨。

4)education medico教育育人

1.Library of teaching hospital andeducation medico;教学医院图书馆与教育育人

5)Thoughts of Harmonious Education人道主义教育思想

1.Paflesh s School of Today——A Practical Base of Sukhomlinskii sThoughts of Harmonious Education;今天的帕夫雷什学校——苏霍姆林斯基人道主义教育思想的实践基地

6)the teenagers moral education未成年人思想道德教育


资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)humanism of bourgeoisie划c豹。川论Ur邸d。。2卜Uyi赛产阶级人道主义51已今见人道主义。位咖_、九。夕仆卯铭e价
