1200字范文 > The Devil Wears Prada-2

The Devil Wears Prada-2

时间:2023-09-05 08:50:04


The Devil Wears Prada-2

section 2: Assistant of the devil!!!

She wants to see you.

oh,she does.

This isfoul(原指恶臭的,这里指令人不快的),Don’t let her see it.(这里的it发音很轻,需要精听)

Who are you ?

Uh,my name is Andy.I recently graduated from(刚刚毕业)Northwestern University.

What are you doing?

Well.I think I could do a good job as your assistant.(适用于面试)

Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist(来纽约是想成为记者) andsent letters out everywhere(到处投简历)and finally got a call from Elias and met with Sheer up at Human Resources.Bascially.It’s this or Auto Universe.

So you don’treadRunway.


Before today.youhad never heard of me.(没听说过我)

You have no style or sense of fashion.

I think that depends on what you’re

No,Tht wasn’t a question.

I waseditor in chiefof Daliy Norhewestern.I also won a national competition for college journalist,whichexpose the exploitation(揭露剥削)

That’s all.

yeah,you know,I don’tfit in(适合)here.I am notskinny(纤瘦)orglamorous(迷人)and I don’t know that much about fashion.But I’m smart.I learn fast and I will work very hard.

I got theexclusive(独家的)on the Gavalli for Gwyneth.but the problem is ,with that hugefeathered headdress(羽毛头饰)she’s wearing.she looks like she’s working the main stage at the Golden.

Thank you for your time.(感谢你抽时间)

Who’s that sad little girl?Are we doing abefore-and-after piece(麻雀变凤凰)I don’t know about?(调侃)

Wait. you got a job at a fashion magazine? what was it? a phone interview.

Don’t be ajerk(讨厌的人).

Miranda is famous forbeing unpredicted.(难以捉摸)

How could is it that you know who she is and I didn’t.

I am actually a girl.

That would explain so much.

Miranda is ahuge deal(大人物).I bet a million girls would kill for that job.

Yeah,great.I’m not one of them.

You gotta start somewhere.right? I mean ,look at this dump Nate works in.paper napkins.

Lucky for me .I already have my dream job.

You’re a corporate research analyst.(公司分析员)

My jobsucks.(我的工作糟透了)

You should seethe way these girls at Runway dress(那些runway的女孩穿的什么).I don’t have a thing to wear to work.

You’re gonna be answering phones and getting coffee.You need a ball gown for that.

I happen to think you look great always.(我恰巧认为你一直都很好看)

Aww,I think you’refull of it(胡说八道)

Let’s go home. I can think of something we can do that doesn’t require any clothing.

I hope thisseries on running(一系列的,连续的)has been helpful for you.

if you happen to talk to him.have him call me.(如果你恰巧碰到他,让他给我回电话)

An 18-year-old boy has got intograduate school(研究所).that’s a big deal. (真了不起)

The weather is unpredictable that I always bring an umbrella just in case.(天气变化莫测,带把伞以防万一)


No matter where you are in life.no matter how low you have sunk.no matter how break your situation,this is not the end.

