1200字范文 > The Devil Wears Prada-10

The Devil Wears Prada-10

时间:2024-01-20 16:23:23


The Devil Wears Prada-10

Catch a quarrel

Call Jameson’s office . Tell them I want tomove the preview up to today,(把预映提前)12:30, tell everybody else, be ready to leave in half an hour.

But we are not expected until Tuesday,(这应该是周二的安排) Did she say why?

Yeah,she explained every detail of her decision making, And then we brushed each other’s hair and gabbed American Idol.

==I see your point. ==(我懂你的意思了)

There’s a scale(评判方法). one nod is good,two nods is very good,There’s only been one actually smile in record , and that was Tom Ford in 2001

What’s the preview anyway?

Miranda insist on seeing all the designers’ collection before they show them.

And she tells them what she thinks.

in her way.

This season began for me with ameditation on the inetrsection(交叉的思考)between East and West.

She doesn’t like it,she shakes her head.

This is the dress that we have designed specifically and exclusively for you.

Of course,this is the pursing of lips.

which means?


I just don’t understand,I’m appalled,It’s absurb,you deal with it.

I’ll talk to him.

So because her pursed her lips. he’s gonna change his entire collection.

You still don’tgetit,Her opinion is the only one that matters.

Call my husband and confirm the dinner.

At Pasts,Done

And I’ll need a change of clothes. (我需要换衣服)

I‘ve alreadymessengered your outfit over(送去了)to the boot.

I would like you to deliver the Book to my home,have Emily give your key.

Guard it with your life.

You know, if I can deliver the Book,that means I must have done something right, I’m not apsycho(变态), she called me Andrea? I mean she didn’t call me Emily,Isn’t that great?

Right,now,it’s very important that you do exactly what I’m about to tell you.

The book is assembled by 10:00 and you must wait around for it until then,you will be delivering Miranda’sdry cleaning(干洗的衣服)with the book.

Now,the car willtake you straight toMiranda’s town house,You left yourself in.

Do not talk to anyone, do not look at anyone, This is the utmost importance, You must be invisible,Do you understand?

You open the door and you walk across the foyer, you hang the dry cleaning int the closet across from the staircase.

And you leave the book ont the table with flowers.

It’s that door to left.

What did you expect me to do(你要让我怎么做),walk out in the middle of a cover shoot?(在封面拍摄中途走出去)

Irushed out of an investment committee meeting(我还在开投资会就冲出去了)and I sat there waiting for you almost an hour.

I told you that the cell phones didn’t work, Nobody could get a signal out.

I knowwhateveryone in that restaurantwas thinking,There he is,waiting for her again.

They couldmove up tothe new level of efficiency. (在效率方面提升一大截)It’s the shortest election campaign in record. (这是有史以来最短的竞选)


All good things come to those who wait. (念念不忘,必有回响)
