1200字范文 > The Devil Wears Prada-16

The Devil Wears Prada-16

时间:2023-10-18 02:36:51


The Devil Wears Prada-16

Take a break

You’re going to Pairs for the couture shows?

Who are you going to see?

The show is amazing.I’m so proud of you.

Start with the photos in the back and walk you way forward(从后往前看).This is the way I designed it,It’s brilliant,you’ll love it.

I have somebody I want you to meet.

Lead the way.(带路吧)

I’m staying in a fantastic hotel in the Seventh,right across the street from the restaurant will change your life.

You ought to someone else’s life to change.

he is just a guy I know from work.

You’re making a big deal out.(你太小题大做了)

the Andy I know is madly in love with Nate,is always five minutes early and thinks, Club iscouture(高级定制)

I know everything about that Andy,but thisglomazon(漂亮妞)whoskull around in corner(在角落徘徊)with some random hot guy?I don’t get her.

I thought is a big deal for Emily.

You’re mad because I work late all day and I missed your birthday party and I’m sorry.

Now,you’re gonnagive me a hard time.(难为我)

You hate Runway and Miranda,you think fashion is stupid,you’ve made that clear.

I made port wine reduction all day. I’m not in Peace Corp.

You used to say this was just a job,You used to make fun of the Runway girls ,what happened,you’ve becaues one of them.

I wouldn’t care if you’re outpole dancing(钢管舞)all night as long as you did it with a littleintegrity.(诚实)

That’s absurd.

That’s fun,Just own up to it(承认吧),and we can stop pretending like we haveanythingin common.

just one minute

in case you’re wondering, the phone whose calls you are always take ,that’s the relation you’re in.

Why did you do this to her? I don’t get you at all.(为什么这么对她,我一点都不了解你)You don’t love me any more,just own up to it. (你不在爱我了,承认吧)we have a lot of things in common.(我们有许多共同之处)I was wondering,how much money I can save by doing this? (我想直到做这个能攒多少钱)


We can’t afford to be the people that did nothing because we were too scared to pull the trigger. (不要因为害怕就无所作为)
