1200字范文 > The Devil Wears Prada-18

The Devil Wears Prada-18

时间:2019-02-27 23:15:17


The Devil Wears Prada-18

Pairs kiss

I need Miranda's itinerary(日程表)tomorrow.

OK,Come on in.

who put that together for you?

This? it's just something I threw on(匆忙穿上)

Turn around,Let me see.

I think that my work here is done.(我在这的工作结束了)

We are going to celebrate.I'm going to get some champagne.

What are we toasting?(为了什么干杯)

We are toasting to the dream job. The one that one million girls wanted.

which I got months ago.

Massimo is investing in James's company and taking it global.

Bags,fragrance,and James needs a partner, that partner would be me.

She put me up,Can you image?(她推荐了我)

This is the first time in 18 years,I'm going to be call the shots(发号施令) in my own life, my God.

You deserve it.

I just wanna say there are things Miranda does that I don't agree with.

You hate her,Just admit it to me.

She is a notorious sadist(讨厌的虐待狂), not in a good way

She is tough,but if Miranda werea man,no one would notice anything about her,except her great job.

I can't believe,You're defending her? (辩护)

The wide-eyed girl peddling her earnest newspaper stories,You are crossing to the dark side.(穿越到黑暗一面)

I resent that.

You shouldn't It's sexy.

Don't worry,I know this city like the back of my hand,It's my favorite place in the world.

Gerturde once said "America is my country and Pairs is my hometown"

I work freelance I have a lot of free time on my hands.

I can't You know Nate and I just split up(分手) a couple days ago.

I‘ve too much wine,and my hearing judgement impaired.

I barely know you.I'm in a strange city.

I am out of excuses.(我找不到理由了)



1. Mum’s the word. 别说出去。


2. Keep it under your hat. 你要保密啊。

3. Don’t let the cat out of the bag. 别说漏嘴。

这个和猫“cat”有关的说法也能用来提醒人们“不要泄露秘密”。句中用到的表达“to let the cat out of the bag”尤指“意外、不小心泄密”。

4. It’s just between you and me. 这事只有你和我知道就可以了。


5. Don’t spill the beans. 别把这事儿抖出去。

表达“to spill the beans”的字面意思是“把豆子洒了”,实际意思是“泄露秘密”。

动词“spill ”的本意是“洒出”,常被用来比喻“说出、讲出”一件事情,比如搭配“spill something out”发泄、倾诉(情感)。
