1200字范文 > 流动初中生 Migrant Junior high school student英语短句 例句大全

流动初中生 Migrant Junior high school student英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-05 05:12:25


流动初中生 Migrant Junior high school student英语短句 例句大全

流动初中生,Migrant Junior high school student

1)Migrant Junior high school student流动初中生


1.The Research on Migrant Junior High School Students" Problem Behavior and It"s Relationship with Family Environment流动初中生问题行为与家庭环境的关系研究

2.Study on the Relationship among School Belonging, Self-concept and Educational Resilience of Floating Children in Junior High School;流动初中生学校归属感、自我概念与其教育复原力的关系研究

3.Primary Study on the Ecology of Protozoan Communities from Karst Streams岩溶溪流原生动物群落生态初步研究

4.Politics on Floating: a Preliminary Exploration on the Issue of the Political Management of Chinese Floating Population;流动中的政治:中国流动人口政治管理问题初探

5.A study for the requiremint of the community health care in ourside floating population外来流动人口社区卫生保健需求初探

6.An Initial Study of the Effectiveness of English Class-Teaching-Interaction in Junior High School;初中英语课堂师生互动的有效性初探

7.Translation and Cultural Communication of Late Qing and Early Ming Dynasty;明末清初的翻译活动与中西文化交流

8.The cross-sectional study of dynamic refractive status in Xi an city urban school students of grade 1 in junior middle school;西安市城区2所重点中学初中一年级学生动态眼屈光状况的横断面流行病学调查

9.Teacher-Students Interactive Learning Environment in Junior Middle School Biological Education;师生互动的初中生课堂教学环境研究

10.On Student s Achievement Motive in Biology Teaching;生物学教学中学生成就动机培养初探

11.Automatic Recognition of Convective Initiation Based on Satellite Imagery基于卫星数据的对流初生自动识别研究

12.Characteristics of Translation Activities in the Cultural Communication between China and the West in the Late Ming and Early Qing Period;明末清初中西文化交流中的翻译活动特点

13.As for the catastrophic mismanagement thereafter, Mr Blair should have insisted on far more in terms of post-war planning.面对如今伊拉克恐怖活动失控的局面,布莱尔先生应该在当初的战后计划中不那么随波逐流。

14.Preliminary ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in main rivers of China中国主要河流中多环芳烃生态风险的初步评价

15.Preliminary Investigation on Several Unsteady Flow Characteristics in Turbomachinery;叶轮机械中若干非定常流动特征的初步研究

16.The Information Resource and Communication in the Activities of Dealing with Technological Barriers to Trade;技术性贸易措施应对活动中信息资源交流初探

17.Application of dynamic planning in river primary bolowdown right allocation;动态规划在河流初始排污权分配中的应用

18.Study on the Types and Significance of Population-structured Social Mobility in China;中国人口结构性社会流动的类型和意义初探


Physical Activity of Middle School Students初中生体育活动

3)middle school students初中生

1.The Research on Pragmatic Competence Improvement for Junior Middle School Students Based on Extracurricular Reading;课外阅读对提高初中生语用能力的研究

2.The Effect of Cognitive Style、Level of Intelligence of Middle School Students and Presentation of Multimedia Materials on Learning;初中生认知风格特点、智力水平和多媒体材料呈现方式对成绩的影响

3.Caries in Primary Middle School Students in Nanhai District佛山市南海区初中生恒牙龋病调查

4)Junior high school students初中生

1.A study of parent rearing style and personality characteristic on junior high school students companied with anxiety;伴焦虑的初中生父母养育方式与人格研究

2.Related factors to the achievement of junior high school students;影响初中生学习成绩的相关因素

3.Investigation and analysis of factors that cause junior high school students to shift their interest in sports events;初中生运动项目兴趣转移因素的调查分析

5)Junior students初中生

piling ofJunior students Oral-communication Strategy Scale;初中生口语交际策略量表的编制

2.The research surveyed the junior students of three grades of some high school by their personality and surfing internet,the investigates adopt the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ young version)and questionnaire of writing by the researcher.为了探讨网络环境下初中生人格心理特点的差异,对某中学初中三个年级的学生进行上网情况调查和艾森克人格问卷(少年版)测查,结果表明:(1)高频上网初中生与低频上网初中生的人格特质在精神质(P)和神经质(N)上存在显著性的差异;(2)不同年龄的初中生的人格特质在精神质(P)和神经质(N)上也存在着显著性的差异;(3)年龄对测谎(L)的影响最大,上网频度对神经质(N)的影响最大,而年龄、性别和上网频度对精神质(P)都有较大影响。

3.Writing ability is one that junior students should acquire in English learning.书面表达能力是初中生英语学习中应具备的重要能力之一,要初中生具备和提高书面表达能力,我的体会有三点:一是掌握写作技能,加强相关文体的写作训练,让学生知道该怎样动手;二是训练学生从词、词组、句子入手,完成文章;三是练讲再练结合,增强学生书面表达的适应性。

6)Junior high school students初中学生

1.Investigation on factors influencing quality of life among junior high school students of Three-Gorges reservior;三峡库区初中学生生活质量及其影响因素调查

2.Investigation and Reflection on the present learning situations of junior high school students in Less-Developed Areas;欠发达地区初中学生语文学习现状调查与思考

3.The effect of the evaluation of progress degree and accomplishment degree on the physical constitution of junior high school students;进步度与达成度评价对初中学生身体素质的影响


