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教谕 Teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 11:14:59


教谕 Teaching英语短句 例句大全



1.The Emphases of Ehthic Education fromTeaching Text;从教谕文献看古代埃及伦理教育的传统内容


1.A papal letter addressed to the bishops of the Church or to the hierarchy of a particular country.教谕罗马教皇对教会主教或特定国君主的教谕(通告)

2.A Study on Maat in Teaching Texts of Ancient Egypt古代埃及教谕文献中的“正义”观念

3.The Emphases of Ehthic Education from Teaching Text;从教谕文献看古代埃及伦理教育的传统内容

4.A Study about the Ancient Egyptians Moral Teachings to the Youth in Instruction of Ptahhotep;从《普塔霍特普教谕》看古埃及人对青年人的道德教育

5.A papal letter that is not as formal as a bull.教皇通谕,教廷通牒不如教皇诏书正规的教皇通谕

6.To reveal the will or message of God.传教说出上帝的意志或神谕

7.Liang Qichao and Fukuzawa Yukichi:Educational Venus in Chinese and Japanese Educational Modernization;梁启超与福泽谕吉:中日教育近代化的启明星

8.An Anthropological Study of the Non-Governmental Organization "Shengyu Tan" in Weishan;巍山民间宗教组织“圣谕坛”的人类学浅探

9.Fukusawa Yukichi s View of Cultural Education and Japan s Modernization;福泽谕吉的文化教育思想与日本现代化

10.Fukuzawa Yukichi s Educative Transformation;变革时代的福泽谕吉:庆应义塾教育实验

11.Fukuzawa Yukichi"s Educational Thought and Its Influence on Modern China福泽谕吉的教育思想及其对近代中国的影响

12.A formal order from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court to refrain from a specified offense.诫谕为禁止一个具体的罪行而由主教或宗教法庭发出的正式命令

13.The Vatican told Roman Catholics to read the Bible more regularly instead of keeping the“ good book” on the shelf gathering dust.教廷晓谕罗马天主教徒要常常读圣经,而非将这本「书」在架上惹尘埃。

14.Teaching the children of Israel all the laws which the Lord has given them by the hand of Moses.又使你们可以将耶和华借摩西晓谕以色列人的一切律例教训他们。

parative Study of Zhang Jian and Fukuzawa Yukichi;愤于国难 成于厉行——张謇与福泽谕吉教育兴学之比较

16.From Education for Society to Society for Education --A Contrastive Probe into Fukuzawa Yukichi s and Daisaku Ikeda s Perspectives on Education;从“为了社会的教育”到“为了教育的社会”——福泽谕吉与池田大作教育思想对比探析

17.After the founding of New China in 1949 the Vatican issued papal encyclicals several times instigating hatred against the new people"s political power among the converts.新中国成立后,罗马教廷数次发出"通谕",煽动教徒敌视新生的人民政权。

18.The Green River organization is non-governmental organization that educates and advises people on the importance of protecting this great river.绿色江河组织是一个非政府机构,它教育和晓谕人们保护这条大河的重要意义。


allegorical and education讽谕教化

3)Teaching Texts教谕文学

1.On the Nature of Ancient EgyptianTeaching Texts;古代埃及教谕文学的名实问题

4)instruction literatures教谕文献

1.For the aim of moral education,teachers who train scribes ask the students to copy theinstruction literatures.培养书吏的教师们通过让学生抄录教谕文献达到德育教育的目的。

5)a method of making people sensible教谕工具



