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传授 teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-14 05:50:11


传授 teaching英语短句 例句大全



1.On Teaching Accounting to Students in Higher Professional Colleges;向高职会计专业学生传授会计知识之我见

2.It is important for a college bibliography teacher to construct ateaching system in conformation to theteaching concept.作为高校文献学教师,要努力构建切合教学理念的专业传授体系。

3.After expounding for spreading mathematics culture in the dailyteaching,the author proposes proper approaches,and argues that a teacher s mathematics attainment is the key to the mathematics culture.在数学教学中传授数学文化有着积极意义,传授有多种途径,而教师的数学素养是传授数学文化的关键。


1.To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles.传授以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导

2.activities that impart knowledge.传授知识的行为活动。

3.impart skills or knowledge to.传授给某人技能或知识。

4.tell, give knowledge.告诉,传授给别人知识。

5.A teacher should impart knowledge.教师应该传授知识。

6.a person who initiates a course of action.发动发起或传授一个运动过程的人。

7.The teacher introduced his pupils to the intricacies of geometry老师将几何的复杂原理传授给学生们。

8.They had come to pass on their experience in stock raising.他们是来传授饲养牲畜的经验的。

9.A gift untaught is a ship unguided.未经传授的天赋宛如无人引领的船舰。

10.To infuse knowledge of or skill in by repetitious instruction.经反复讲解传授知识或技术.

11."We will tell students tricks on how to save water.""我们还会向学生传授节水窍门。

12.Lifeguards were taught the basic resuscitative methods.救生员被传授基本的救生术。

13.an insect that carries pollen from one flower to another.从一朵花到另一朵花传授花粉的昆虫。

14.It is not easy to impart knowledge any more than it is to acquire knowledge.求取知识虽然很难,传授知识同样不易。

15.She initiated her son into the mysteries of life她传授给儿子生活的奥秘。

16.The good teacher imparts wisdom to his pupils.好的老师把智慧传授给学生。

17.it is taught to every member of the tribe,并传授给部落中的第一个成员。

18.Education does not mean merely feeding facts to students.教育不仅仅意味着将事实传授给学生。



1.Onimparting social-cultural knowledge and fostering cross-cultural communicative abilities;论社会文化知识的传授与跨文化交际能力的培养

2.With regard to the change of educational ideas, the pattern ofimparting ideas deserves study.在教育观念转变问题上,强调“传授观念”的模式值得探究。

3)teaching methods传授方法

1.Starting from topic discussion,teaching methods,all-the-time comparison and scene reading,the paper discusses the ways of teaching practice of Chinese in universities,which can make teaching more effective and reach the goal of improving the enjoying level and innovating ability.从设疑讨论、传授方法、古今对照、情境诵读四个方面入手,探讨大学语文教改实践的方法,从而使教学更富有成效,达到提高学生鉴赏水平和创新能力的目标。

4)knowledge imparting知识传授

1.The author of the essay thinks that in dealing with the teaching method of banking class, we should start from the two aspects of "knowledge imparting" and "humane education", trying to find out a way of how to train quality banking personnel who understand the frontier banking theory, master the banking business operation and have a fine professional morality.只有从"知识传授"和"人文教育"两方面探讨如何适应知识经济时代,培养通晓前沿金融理论、精通金融业务和具有良好职业道德的高素质金融人才的教学方法,才能提高金融教学质量。

5)imparting knowledge传授知识

1.This article analyzes the evil ofonlyimparting knowledge but neglecting developing intelligence intraditional P.传统体育教学中存在着只注重传授知识技术而忽视发展智能的弊端。

6)Knowledge teaching知识传授

1.The article emphasizes the mixture of knowledge teaching and ability training,the blend of science quality and humanity cultivation and the combination of generality and personality in teaching goals in universities because these meet the requirement of achieving a balance between personal development of modern college students and advancement of m.就现代高等教育关于人才培养问题的几对矛盾关系作了相关的哲学思考 ,并认为坚持知识传授与能力培养的统一 ,科学素养与人文修养的统一 ,教学目的的共性与个性的统一 ,是当代大学生个性发展完善与现代社会进步相融合的客观要

2.Reflected in the school teaching,it will help to clarify the misunderstanding of knowledge teaching and recognize the complementary significance of knowledge teaching and constructive learning.反映在学校教学中,则有助于澄清对知识传授的误解,以及认清知识传授与学生建构式学习观念之间相得益彰的教学意蕴。


