1200字范文 > 教 teaching英语短句 例句大全

教 teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-31 04:07:00


教 teaching英语短句 例句大全



1.On the application of learing fransfer inteaching anatomy of human body tissue;学习迁移在人体组织解剖学教学中的应用

2.Thinking about "teaching" superior to "learning" in the web-based education;关于网络教育中“教”重于“学”的思考


1.The chief see of a metropolitan bishop.都主教教省都主教教主的主要教区

2.Teacher s Quartet--Teach to learn,Learn to Teach,Teach to Ask,Ask to Teach;教师的四重奏——教学·学教·教问·问教

3.The authority to teach religious doctrine.教导宗教教义的权威

4.A church or congregation.教友会教堂或教堂会众

5.Protestants considered as a group.新教教徒或教会的总称

6.the Church; (esp the Christian)religion regarded as an established institution(尤指基督教的)教会,宗教

7.an adherent of Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism).喇嘛教(西藏佛教)的教徒。

8.vicar of christph.1. 天主教教宗

9.a Catholic priest, school天主教教士、 学校.

10.Assistant Officer [Correctional Services Department]惩教助理〔惩教署〕

11.Penal Administration [Correctional Services Department]惩教行政〔惩教署〕

12.Penal Operations [Correctional Services Department]惩教行动〔惩教署〕

13.Senior Master [Correctional Services Department]主任教师〔惩教署〕

14.didactic poetry, methods教诲诗、教导方法.

15.dancing master [ mistress ]舞蹈教师[女教师]

16.12 A good example is the best sermon.12身教重于言教。

17.E-is better than precept.[谚]身教胜于言教。

18.Officer [Correctional Services Department]惩教主任〔惩教署〕


research and reform in teaching教研教改

3)teacher education教师教育

1.The Measures for Teacher Education Responding to the Basic Education Reformation;教师教育应对基础教育课程改革的对策

2.On the strategies of the structure adjustment of higherteacher education andteacher education in Hangzhou;杭州高等师范教育和教师教育结构的调整及其策略

3.On theteacher education in occupied regions during the Japanese invasion of China;试论日本侵华时期沦陷区的教师教育

4)education and teaching教育教学

1.On the relationdship between "three facing"and the reform of highereducation and teaching;论“三个面向”与高等教育教学改革的关系

2.On the Reforming of the Education and Teaching to the Excellent Sports Team;浅谈优秀运动队文化教育教学的改革思路

3.Non-punishent administration:the contemporaryeducation and teaching s principle and strategy——Concurrenly evaluating the subject education theories;无为而治:当代教育教学的理念与策略——兼评主体教育理论

5)teachers education教师教育

1.The idea and strategy of integrating academism and professionalism inteachers education;教师教育学术性与职业性融合的理念和策略

2.On teachers professionalization andteachers education reform;关于教师专业化与教师教育改革的思考

3.Education, Management and Spirit of Humanities in University ——A thought onteachers education;大学教育、大学管理与人文精神塑造——中国大陆、香港与美国大学教师教育特点比较与思考


1.On Cybereducation;网络教育教学的几点思考

2.Sup erior Affect of the TV Medium in theEducation and the Teachings;再认识电视媒体在教育教学中的优势地位

3.In this paper,the importance of university archives in education is expounded.对高校档案在高等学校教育教学活动中的重要作用进行了阐述,分析了教育教学对档案工作的促进作用,最后针对加强高校档案工作提出了建议。


