1200字范文 > 水权界定 water right definition英语短句 例句大全

水权界定 water right definition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-29 12:54:35


水权界定 water right definition英语短句 例句大全

水权界定,water right definition

1)water right definition水权界定

1.With regard to the situation of large difference in space-time distribution of water resources and reduction in irrigation area in Fujian Province,the following aspects of large and medium-size irrigation districts in Fujian Province were studied: methods and rules forwater right definition,types,price and realization modes as well as principles for water right trade.针对福建省水资源时空分布差异大、灌溉面积不断萎缩的现实,研究了福建省大中型灌区水权界定的方法与准则、水权交易的类型、价格、实现形式以及应遵循的原则,认为,在明确界定水权的前提下,福建省大中型灌区可通过区域间的水权交易、灌区内用水户之间的水权交易以及农业用水向工商业用水有偿转让等多种方式,提高水资源利用效率。


1.Water right definition and trade of large and medium-size irrigation districts in Fujian Province福建省大中型灌区水权界定及交易研究

2.On the concept of Long-term Water Rights and Short-term Water Rights论资格水权与实时水权的界定与中国水权建设

3.Definition of water right assets in water right trading and its management scope;水权交易中的水权资产界定及其管理范畴研究

4.Water Rights and the Definition of Water Rights;水权与水权的界定——水资源利用的产权经济学分析

5.Definition of Water Right Transfer Contract under the Vision of Environmental Protection试析环境保护视野下水权转让合同界定

6.The Analysis of State Owned-Enterprise Property Right Flow s Definition;国有企业产权重组中的产权界定分析


8.Lack of economic incentive is the key defects of current water management regime.作者从水资源产权界定、配和交易的角度对塔里木河流域水管理机制创新进行了分析和探讨。

9.The Clarification of Exclusive Ownership & Co-ownership of Condominium建筑物区分所有权之专有权与共有权的界定

10.Definition der Haftung für Urheberrechtsverletzung durch Hyperlinks nach der deutschen Rechtssprechung;从德国司法判决比较超链接的著作权侵权界定

11.On the Legal Definition and Its Right Remedy of Bias on the Plastic Cosmetology Accepters Right to Labor;整形者劳动权歧视的法律界定与权利救济研究

12.On the Nature of the Right of Privacy:--From the Prospective of Jurisprudence;隐私权本质的解析与界定——隐私权的法哲学反思

13.Modern Property Rights System and Legal Definition of the Property Rights of the State Enterprises;现代产权制度与国有企业产权的法律界定

14.Defining the Property Rights in the Context of Township and Village Collective Enterprises;产权怎样界定——一份集体产权私化的社会文本

15.On the Right Definition of the Stockholder s Preemptive Right in the Limited-liability Company;论有限责任公司股东优先购买权的权利界定

16.Discrimination and Demarcation on Administration Power--in Contrast to Justice Authority;行政权的辩析和界定——兼与司法权作比较

17.Ownership of Athletes Based on the Theory of Property Rights基于产权理论对运动员产权界定的分析

18.Designation of Our Athletic Human Capital Property Rights我国竞技体育运动员人力资本产权权能界定


first allocation of water right水权初始界定

3)Defining and distributing water right水权的界定及分配

4)definition on right权利界定

1.It indicated that attending responsibility system was a reform based on thedefinition on right or a reform of property right which dealt with the problems of inspiring or preparing product elements.主诊医师负责制实质上是一项基于权利界定的改革,或者可以看作生产要素的产权改革,它解决了人力、床位、知识等生产要素的激励与调配问题。

5)definition of property right产权界定

1.Starting form the basic concepts and connotations of the property right theory including the property right,definition of property right,transaction,and transaction cost,etc.从产权、产权界定、交易和交易成本等产权理论基本概念和含义出发,分析了产权与交易成本的关系。

2.Sometimes merely defining the property right is not enough,but must match the method and the measure of urging property rights to be exercised effectively,otherwisedefinition of property right cannot realize the efficiency goal automatically.思考科斯等人没有认真思考过的产权界定主体等问题是有益的。

3.As to the vaguedefinition of property right and the unfair compensation system in the legislation,the paper presents the policy suggestions for farmer specialized cooperative with the clearly defined individual property right mechanism and public funds property right,etc.针对农民专业合作社的产权特征,我国农民专业合作社的产权安排特征,立法后我国农民专业合作社产权界定仍然模糊、产权安排缺乏激励等问题,我国农民专业合作社的产权建设需要明晰个人产权机制、界定公共积累产权、维护农民产权利益政策建议。

6)property definition产权界定

1.Then,through analyzing the externality and theproperty definition of different knowledge,it is pointed out that as exhaustively completeproperty definition of the knowledge is difficult,to eliminate the externality of the knowledge is not easy.将新制度经济学产权理论对一般财产产权的分析应用于对知识产权的分析,从经济学角度解释“知识产权”这一传统法律概念,分析知识的外部性问题;通过对不同知识的产权界定的分析,指出知识的产权难于完全界定,外部性难于消除;分析了这种外部性将如何导致知识产权的风险并列举一些由外部性引发的知识产权风险的表现形式。


