1200字范文 > 水权管理 water rights management英语短句 例句大全

水权管理 water rights management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-12 10:36:44


水权管理 water rights management英语短句 例句大全

水权管理,water rights management

1)water rights management水权管理

1.Under the circumstances of the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources becoming more serious,research and practice ofwater rights management were made in Tarim River Basin.在水资源供需矛盾日益严峻的情况下,塔河流域展开了水权管理的研究与实践。


1.The Application of Marx s Theory of Property Ownership in the Administration of Water Right in Our Country;马克思产权理论在我国水权管理中的运用

2.Study on the Government Management Function and Mode of Water Rights Institution水权管理制度中政府管理职能及模式研究

3.Study on Foreign Right to Water and the Mode of Water Resource Management System;国外水权及水资源管理制度模式研究

4.Perfect the Distribution System of Water Rights, Reinforce the Administration of Water Resources;完善水权配置制度,加强水资源管理

5.Definition of water right assets in water right trading and its management scope;水权交易中的水权资产界定及其管理范畴研究

6.Strengthening water administration management adn establishing authority of water administration department加强水行政管理树立水行政主管部门权威

7.Study on Water Rights about Administering Agricultural Water Resources in Hebei;基于水权理论的河北省农用水资源管理

8.Thinking on Reinforcing Water Management with Water Rights Theory;用水权理论加强水资源管理的若干思考

9.Management Level Promotion of the Intellectual Property in Key Labs;提升重点实验室知识产权的管理水平

10.Study on property rights structure among different subjects of basin water resources;流域水资源管理主体间产权结构探讨

11.The Study on Water Market and Agricultural Water Resources Management in Hebei Province;水权市场与河北省农用水资源管理研究

12.Establishment of Water Rights-as-core Regulation System for Water Resource in China;关于构建我国以水权为核心的水资源管理体系

13.Thinking About Water Resource Manegement System from Water Rights;从水的相关权属构想我国水资源的管理体制

14.Study on the Updating Control and Management of Water Right of Tarim River Basin;塔里木河流域水权适时控制及管理研究

15.Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer;农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

16.The Research on Mobile Digital Right Management and Digital Watermark Technology;移动数字版权管理及相关水印技术研究

17.Integated Digital Watermark in Digital Right Management of Digital Cinema;数字水印在数字影院版权管理中的应用

18.A Study on Underwater Acoustic Engineering Intellectual Property Rights Management in China;我国水声工程项目知识产权管理体系研究


stock equity management股权管理

1.In petroleum enterprises,astock equity management system mainly consists of four major elements including strategy management,organization management,system management and risk management.从战略管理、组织管理、制度管理及风险管理等4个方面阐述了创新股权管理体系,以及从归口管理与专业管理、统一决策与授权管理、专职管理与兼职管理、直接管理与间接管理、静态管理与动态管理等方面对创新股权管理的思路和方法做了一些有益的探讨。

3)management authority管理权威

1.With the change of the authority carrier,management authority has become more shareable.管理权威是管理主体与管理客体之间基于合法性的一种信从关系。


1.In this chapter,the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization s(FAO s) experience withdecentralization is briefly reviewed.简要回顾了联合国粮农组织的分权管理经验。

2.The author discusses the central condition for effectivedecentralization is representation.论述了有效的分权管理的中心条件——代表制。


6)management power管理权力

1.How do Chinese project management companies get out of trouble? This paper comes up with the concept of understanding and applying tomanagement power correctly, and elaborates the idea of building reasonable company structure and adopting open, flexible and highly-integrated management mode of project manager department in order to improve the core competitiveness of project management companies.中国的项目管理公司如何走出困境?本文从提高项目管理公司核心竞争力的高度出发,提出了正确理解和运用管理权力的理念,阐述了建立合理的公司组织架构和采用具有开放性和弹性的高度集成化管理的项目经理部组织模式的思路。


