1200字范文 > 水权期权 water rights option英语短句 例句大全

水权期权 water rights option英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-01 16:36:47


水权期权 water rights option英语短句 例句大全

水权期权,water rights option

1)water rights option水权期权

1.Value Evaluation Model of Water Rights Option Based on Real Option Theory基于实物期权理论的水权期权价值评估模型

2.The paper combined the option theory with the water rights transaction and brings forward the transaction mode ofwater rights option.本文将期权理论与水权交易相结合,提出水权期权交易模式,指出该交易模式具有转移风险、价格发现、交易成本低、方便、高效、安全性强等特点,其主要作用是可以有效地规避水权价格波动产生的风险。


1.Value Evaluation Model of Water Rights Option Based on Real Option Theory基于实物期权理论的水权期权价值评估模型

2.There are two types of options: a call and a put.期权有两种:买进期权(或看涨期权)和沽出期权(或看跌期权)。

3.On establishment of water right market by use of theory of futures and option;利用期货期权理论构建我国水权市场的初步设想

4.The Application of Real Option in Hydropower Investment Project by BOT Mode;实物期权在BOT水电项目投资中的应用

mentary on water property system during the period of the Republic of China;中华民国时期黄河流域水权制度述评

6.Average Price Cal平均价格买入期权权

7.Risk Voiding Effect of Futures and Options on Hydropower Company;电力期货与期权交易对水电商的风险规避作用

8.Some considerations about "water bank" of east route of South-to-North Water Transfer project based on option theory;期权理论与南水北调东线工程“水银行”设想

9.On the concept of Long-term Water Rights and Short-term Water Rights论资格水权与实时水权的界定与中国水权建设

10.The Southeast Naval Force in the Ming and Ching Danasties and the Development of the Maritime Rights"Consciousness in China从东南水师看明清时期海权意识的发展

11.Study on Weight Analysis in Period Risk Assessment of Hydropower Project;水电工程工期风险评价中的权重分析研究

12.The Model of Concession Pricing of BOT Project of Sewage Treatment Based on Real Option Model;基于实物期权的污水处理BOT项目特许定价研究

13.Real option approach to establish the model of the investment decision of water resources projects;实物期权在水利项目投资决策中的模型构建

14.Researches on flexible decision-making of investment into water resources projects based on real option;基于实物期权的水利工程投资柔性决策研究

15.Application of goods option in investment decision-making of water resources projects;实物期权在水利项目投资决策中的应用初探

16.Determination about Minimum Level of Reload Option Strike Price;再装股票期权执行价格最低水平的决定

17.Real Option Applied in Economic Evaluation of Port & Waterway Projects;实物期权在水运项目经济评价中应用初探

18.Ming and Qing Dynasties the Yellow River Basin Water Rights System Characteristics and Enlightenment明清时期黄河流域水权制度的特点及启示


Water Option水期权

1.Water Option and Its Pricing Model:A Case Study of Eastern Rout of South-to-North Water Transfers;水期权及其定价模型——以南水北调东线为例

3)the transaction of water rights option水权期权交易

1.There exist many risks for the large water-need projects and new water-use projects, whilethe transaction of water rights option can evade some risks in the transaction of water rights so as to keep the projects developing successfully.对于大型用水工程以及新增用水项目采用水权的现货交易存在较大风险,而水权期权交易可以规避水权交易中的风险,保障工程和项目的正常进行。


1.Single-Factor Model forOption.Based Evaluation of Mineral Resource Mining Right;基于期权的矿产资源采矿权估价单因素模型

2.Application of real option method in value evaluation of petroleum reserves;实物期权法在石油储量价值评估中的应用

3.Electrical futures transaction and the futures option’s price analysis based on binomial tree model in PJM market;PJM市场电力期货期权的二叉树法定价分析


1.Optimal Purchasing Strategy of the Electricity Supply Company Under Multi-options;多种期权合同条件下的供电公司最优购电策略

2.Evaluation Method of the Forest Property Rights Based on the Options;基于期权的林木产权评估

3.The basic theory and appliance of the asset pricing of the europeanoptions;欧式期权定价原理及其应用

6)stock option期权

1.The Stock Entire Circulation Time and the Design of the Stock Option Prompting Plan;股票全流通时代与股票期权激励计划的设计

2.The Stock Option in Real Estate under WTO Situation;WTO条件下房地产业的期权激励

3.Focusing on the problems about the incentive and restraint of managers, this paper puts forward, from the perspective of human capital value, the human capital value measuring of the managers and enterprise surplus profit sharing onstock option so as to encourage and restrain the managers.针对企业经营者激励约束的问题,从实现人力资本价值的角度,提出企业经营者的人力资本价值计量,及以期权方式分享企业剩余,以此来激励约束企业经营者的行为,这对现代企业制度的改革具有重要参考意义。


水权水权water rightsshuiquan水权(Water rights)某一单位或个人依法取得的对某处额定水资源的使用权。在中国和水资源属于国家所有的其他一些国家,水权是指依法可取得水资源的使用权和收益权。取得使用权的用水户,其使用权得到法律的确认和保护。当水权受到侵害时,可依法申请排除侵害或得到相应的补偿。在中国,水资源的所有权包含3层涵义:①水资源属于国家所有,即全民所有,这在中国的《宪法》和《中华人民共和国水法》中都有明确规定,水资源的国家所有主要体现在国家对水资源进行统一规划、统一调度和统一发放取水许可证等方面。②《中华人民共和国水法》规定,农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、水库中的水,属于集体使用。这与中国《民法通则》、《渔业法》的有关规定一致,这有利于调动和保护农民兴修水利的积极性。③国家保护依法开发利用水资源的单位和个人的合法使用权,这充分体现了水资源使用权与所有权分离的原则。单位和个人持有的水资源使用权是通过申请,经国有水资源的产权代表(各级政府的水行政主管部门)依照法律的规定、按照法定程序批准而取得的。水权的批准必须以江河流域的综合规划、全国和地方的水中长期供求计划以及经批准的水量分配方案或协议为前提。水权可依法取得,也可依法注销,必要时国家可予以调整。水权只属于依法持有人。根据中国水法规的规定,水权一旦取得就不得转让,转让时必须经主管部门审批,任意转让应受到法律的制裁。(李泽冰)
