1200字范文 > 农业水权 agricultural water rights英语短句 例句大全

农业水权 agricultural water rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-08 06:21:44


农业水权 agricultural water rights英语短句 例句大全

农业水权,agricultural water rights

1)agricultural water rights农业水权

1.Under the circumstances of the shortage of water resources,the difficulty to add new source of water,the more profitable industrial and urban water consumptions should be achieved by water rights transfer fromagricultural water rights,the research onagricultural water rights became an important task during the process of water rights management.在水资源日益短缺、新增水源困难、用水效益较高的形势下,工业用水与城镇用水需从农业水权转让中获得,关于农业水权的研究因此成为水权管理中的重要课题。

2.Owing to the low economic efficiency and high consumption proportion of agricultural water use,the primary content of world s water transaction isagricultural water rights shift.农业是世界水资源最大的使用者,由于农业用水的低经济效益和高消耗比例,世界水权交易的主要内容是农业水权转移。


1.Agricultural Water Rights: Peasants’ Inhibition or Amulet;农业水权:农民的紧箍咒还是护身符

2.Research on Farmer s Right Protection in Agricultural Water Rights Transfer;农业水权转让中的农民权益保护机制研究

3.An Analysis of Conditions for Water Right Transactions;水权转让的条件分析——以农业水权向工业水权转让为例

4.On the Water-saving Society from the Perspective of Construction of Agricultural Water Rights System论节水型社会视野下的农业水权制度构建

5.Evaluation methods and demonstration studies of compensation of agricultural water right;农业水权补偿额度测算方法及实证研究

6.Demonstration studies on paid transfers of agricultural water right of Qunku Irrigation Area in Henan Province河南省群库灌区农业水权转让实证研究

7.Conditions and Influential Factors for Agricultural Water Rights Transfer--A Survey in View of Overseas Research;农业水权转移的条件及其影响因素——基于国外研究的综述

8.Evaluation of Agricultural Water Rights Transfer Impact Based on the Irrigation Multi-functionality基于灌溉多功能性理论的农业水权转让影响评价研究

9.Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer;农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

10.Studies on the Formation and Allocation of Drainage Basin Water Resources Property Rights and Its Application to Agriculture;流域水权发生与配置及其在农业中的应用

11.To Assess on Modernization Level of Agriculture with Regard to Shandong Province Based on Entropy Method基于熵权的山东省农业现代化水平评估

12.Economic Technology of Agricultural Water Right Compensable Transfer农业用水权有偿转让经济技术措施研究

13.Study on measuring methods of agriculture risk compensation of water right transfer in Yellow River Basin黄河水权转换农业风险补偿费用测算方法研究

14.Impact of Forestry Property Rights System Reform on Increasing Revenue for Farmers in Jishui County吉水县林业产权制度改革对农民增收的影响

15.Agriculture Water Organization and Water Authority System and its Production Effectiveness in the Republic of China in Hetian民国和田社会农业水利组织、水权制度及其生产效用

prehensive Evaluation on the Agricultural Economic Development Level of Fujian Province with TOPSIS Method Based on Entropy Weight;基于熵权的TOPSIS法对福建省农业经济发展水平的综合评价

17.Research on Innovation of Water Right System of Agricultural Irrigation in Our Country--For Instance in Hexi Irrigation District in Gansu Province;论我国农业灌溉中的水权制度创新——以河西灌区为例

18.Limitation of the Comprehensive Agricultural Development and Its Amelioration;农业综合开发项目产权制度缺陷及其改进——以江苏农业综合开发项目小水利改革为例


agricultural water right农业水权

1.Evaluation methods and demonstration studies of compensation ofagricultural water right;农业水权补偿额度测算方法及实证研究

2.For improving the development of agriculture, sustaining socialism new rural construction and pushing water-saving society forwards, it is necessary to reform theagricultural water right.农业水权制度是水权制度建设的重要组成部分,为了促进农业发展,支持社会主义新农村建设、推动节水型社会进程,创新农业水权制度十分必要。

3)Agricultural water property rights allocation农业水权配置

4)Agricultural water rights system农业水权制度

5)Agricultural water rights transfer农业水权转让

6)Agricutural water rights system reformation农业水权制度改革


