1200字范文 > 非作格动词 unergative英语短句 例句大全

非作格动词 unergative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-28 03:50:50


非作格动词 unergative英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper, after an analysis of the proposal of Levin & Rappaport Hovac (1995) who argue that locative inversion is possible not only with unaccusative verbs, but also with someunergative ones, presents some new evidence, arguing for the standard analysis of existential verbs that all the existential verbs are unaccusatives.本文分析了Levin&RappaportHovac(1995)提出的存现句中的谓语动词除非宾格动词之外,也包括其他部分不及物动词(非作格动词unergative)的观点;在提出新的证据的基础上,得出结论:所有存现动词都是非宾格动词,具有非宾格性,从而维护了存现动词的非宾格性假设,统一了存现结构中的谓语动词类型,为存现结构的统一解释奠定了基础。

2)ergative verbs作格动词

1.In this paper, we examine the properties ofergative verbs in English and Chinese arguing that the passivization of ergative in CIL( Chinese-English Interlanguage) provides a clear example of how ILs Interlanguage Speakers take on a life of their own.本文试图讨论英汉两种语言中作格动词的特征 ,考察在汉语中介语 (以汉语为目的语的中介语 :CIL—Chinese -EnglishInterlanguage)中作格形式被动化是怎样为中介语提供例证的。

2.The paper analyzes the difference between middle verbs andergative verbs in argument structures at first:in the former the event argument is suppressed,but the latter does not affect that argument.本文首先讨论中动词和作格动词论元结构的不同之处:在中动结构中,事件论元受到了抑制;在作格结构中,事件论元没受到任何影响。

3.The Ergative Hypothesis proposed by Perlmutter (1978) distinguishes two classes of intransitive verbs --- unergative verbs (UV) andergative verbs (EV).Perlmutter (1978)提出非宾格假说,将不及物动词分为非作格动词(UV)和作格动词。


1.Conditions for the English Ergative Alternation in the Semantic Properties;从作格动词的语义特征看英语作格交替的条件

2.Thematic Structure Transfer in Chinese Learners" Acquisition of English Ergative Verbs中国英语学习者英语作格动词习得中的题元结构迁移

3.Of, relating to, or being the case of a noun or pronoun that serves as the object of a verb.宾格的作动词的宾语使用的名词的或代词的宾格的

4.Here the pronoun is used as the object of the verb, so it is in the object case.这里的人称代词作动词的宾语,因此要用宾格。

5.A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle.动形词拉丁语中动形词,在主格中表示适合性和必要性,并在其它格中作将来被动分词

6.the case indicating the instrument used in performing the action of the verb.指示用于执行动词所描写的动作的工具的格。

7.the case indicating where the action described by the verb occurred.指示动词所描写的动作的发生地点的格。

8.the case indicating the agent in passive sentences or the instrument or manner or place of the action described by the verb.指示被动句的动原或动词所描写动作的工具、方式或地点的格。

9.A noun or pronoun in the objective case.宾格用作宾格的名词或代词

10.a noun performing a verbal function起动词作用的名词.

11.used as the object of aviorprep用作动词或介词的宾语

12.this adjective is used appositively.这个形容词用作同位格。

13.the genitive noun is used attributively.属格名词用作修饰成分。

14.(grammar) a word in the genitive case used as an attributive adjective.(语法)用作定语形容词的属格名词。

15.A Brief Comment on Yanshu and Ouyang Xiu s Viewpoints ofCi Study and Writing Style;简论晏殊欧阳修的词学观及词作风格

16.An Analysis o "Er" as a Verb Suffix in Quotations in Jin Ping Mei;《金瓶梅词话》中的"儿"作动词词尾分析

17.you can use the verb `eat" transitively or intransitively.动词‘eat"可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。

18.When formatting, automatically format entire word设置格式时自动设置整个单词的格式


ergative verbs作格动词

1.In this paper, we examine the properties ofergative verbs in English and Chinese arguing that the passivization of ergative in CIL( Chinese-English Interlanguage) provides a clear example of how ILs Interlanguage Speakers take on a life of their own.本文试图讨论英汉两种语言中作格动词的特征 ,考察在汉语中介语 (以汉语为目的语的中介语 :CIL—Chinese -EnglishInterlanguage)中作格形式被动化是怎样为中介语提供例证的。

2.The paper analyzes the difference between middle verbs andergative verbs in argument structures at first:in the former the event argument is suppressed,but the latter does not affect that argument.本文首先讨论中动词和作格动词论元结构的不同之处:在中动结构中,事件论元受到了抑制;在作格结构中,事件论元没受到任何影响。

3.The Ergative Hypothesis proposed by Perlmutter (1978) distinguishes two classes of intransitive verbs --- unergative verbs (UV) andergative verbs (EV).Perlmutter (1978)提出非宾格假说,将不及物动词分为非作格动词(UV)和作格动词。

3)ergative verb作格动词

1.Due to the different argument structures of entries, its syntax features differ greatly, especially the second one can be used as anergative verb and transitive verb alternatively.由于各个义项的论元结构不完全相同 ,它们的句法特征亦有较大差异 ,尤其是“打”的第二个义项出现了作格动词和及物动词交替的现象 ,而作格动词又与被动句中相应动词的句法特点有很大区别。

4)unaccusative verb非宾格动词

1.An analysis of the theoretical exploration intounaccusative verbs;非宾格动词理论研究浅析

2.This paper briefly introduced the difference betweenunaccusative verbs and unergative verbs,and mainly studied theunaccusative verbs in English and Chinese respectively,aiming to describe their features in detail.根据"非宾格动词"假说,不及物动词可以再细分为非宾格动词和非作格动词。

3.English and Chinese form a superset-subset relation in terms ofunaccusative verbs and psych verbs:English allows causative-alternatingunaccusative verb,but Chinese does not; English allows both subject-experiencer and object-experiencer psych verbs,whereas Chinese only allows the former.就非宾格动词和心理动词而言,英语和汉语存在"超集—子集"关系:英语允许非宾格动词转换为使动动词,而汉语不允许;英语既有以主语为经验者的心理动词,也有以宾语为经验者的心理动词,而汉语只有以主语为经验者的心理动词。


1.Passivization ofunaccusatives is a universal feature of the English interlanguage.非宾格动词被动化是英语中介语的一个普遍现象,也是二语习得研究的一个热点问题。


1.This paper, after an analysis of the proposal of Levin & Rappaport Hovac (1995) who argue that locative inversion is possible not only withunaccusative verbs, but also with some unergative ones, presents some new evidence, arguing for the standard analysis of existential verbs that all the existential verbs areunaccusatives.本文分析了Levin&RappaportHovac(1995)提出的存现句中的谓语动词除非宾格动词之外,也包括其他部分不及物动词(非作格动词unergative)的观点;在提出新的证据的基础上,得出结论:所有存现动词都是非宾格动词,具有非宾格性,从而维护了存现动词的非宾格性假设,统一了存现结构中的谓语动词类型,为存现结构的统一解释奠定了基础。

2.Since Perlmutter(1978) put forth his Unaccusative Hypothesis, there have been voluminous studies on theunaccusative phenomenon in various languages.根据非宾格假设,不及物动词分为两类:非宾格动词和非作格动词。


