1200字范文 > 作格-分裂 Ergative-split英语短句 例句大全

作格-分裂 Ergative-split英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-27 00:06:10


作格-分裂 Ergative-split英语短句 例句大全



2)splitting scheme分裂格式

1.Splitting scheme of tri-temperature equations in studyingthe collision problems of the compact plasma toroid三温方程的分裂格式方法在紧凑等离子体环碰撞研究中的应用

2.implicit method andsplitting scheme, for solving electronic、 ionic and photonic temperature equations are presented.本文提出了解电子,离子,光子三温相脱离的能量方程的两种差分格式,即隐式格式的整体迭代求解和分裂格式解法,文中介绍了能量交换项与其它项分开计算的分步方法,并考察了对温度变化的影响。


1.Splitting scheme of tri-temperature equations in studyingthe collision problems of the compact plasma toroid三温方程的分裂格式方法在紧凑等离子体环碰撞研究中的应用

2.schizo affective schizaphrenia情感分裂式精神分裂症

3.schizoid personality disorder精神分裂型人格异常

4.Research on Space-Time Second-Order Scheme for One Dimensional Dam Flow Based on Flux Splitting Method基于通量分裂的一维溃坝洪水时空二阶精度格式研究

5.The way cells split during mitosis有丝分裂时细胞分裂的方式。

6.Doctors have diagnosed Garth as a split personality.大夫诊断加思是分裂人格(或:多重性格)。

7.Split Motherhood and Split Personality Two Sets of Triplets in the Sound and the Fury;母性分裂与人格分裂—读福克纳的《喧嚣与骚动》

8.rubber tapped spilt brush带胶皮头分裂式电刷

9.People don"t have @multiple [email protected] they have Dissociative Identity Disorder.人不会有“多重人格”而是会“精神分裂”。

10.Previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder,精神分裂症以前被称为“多重人格失调”,

11.Representation of Split Personality in a Streetcar Named Desire;人格分裂在《欲望号街车》中的再现

12.Narrative Closure and Schizophrenia in The Floating Opera;《漂浮的歌剧》中的叙事怪圈与人格分裂

13.Seeing Jin Sheng-tan s Cultural Personality from his Criticizing The Water Margin;从金批水浒看金圣叹文化人格的分裂

14.The Brown with a Splitting Personality--A Brief Discussion about A Good Young Man Brown;人格分裂的布朗——浅议《年轻小伙布朗》

15.Clegg"s Split of Self in the Collector透视《收藏家》中克莱格的自我分裂

16.Guttripper in Nagrand will no longer evade when engaged.纳格兰的“裂肠者”在激活后不会再进入“闪避模式”。

17.Application of high-efficiency novel grid stripping technology in FCC unit格栅填料式催化裂化高效汽提段技术的应用

18.The Psycho-analysis of Split Personality in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde运用精神分析理论分析《化身博士》中的人格分裂


splitting scheme分裂格式

1.Splitting scheme of tri-temperature equations in studyingthe collision problems of the compact plasma toroid三温方程的分裂格式方法在紧凑等离子体环碰撞研究中的应用

2.implicit method andsplitting scheme, for solving electronic、 ionic and photonic temperature equations are presented.本文提出了解电子,离子,光子三温相脱离的能量方程的两种差分格式,即隐式格式的整体迭代求解和分裂格式解法,文中介绍了能量交换项与其它项分开计算的分步方法,并考察了对温度变化的影响。

3)split personality分裂人格

1.According to the theories about narcissism,the narcissism of the characters in Katherine Mansfield s stories has three manifestations:(1) preoccupation with unrealistic fantasies to escape their problems in reality;(2) self-adoration andsplit personality revealed through mirror images;(3) egoism.其次,通过镜像所呈现出的自我爱恋和分裂人格。

4)splitting personality人格分裂

1.Based on the point of unconscious psychology, This paper reveals Fan-yi spsychologic process ofsplitting personality and self-destruction by analyzing the two play plots between Fan-yi and Zhou Pu-yuan,Zhou Ping.从无意识心理层面入手 ,通过分析蘩漪与周朴园、周萍两条主要戏剧冲突 ,揭示了蘩漪在无意识心理的引导下一步步走向人格分裂 ,成为自我毁灭者的心理发展过程 ,蘩漪形象表现出很浓厚的心理分析色彩。

5)personality split人格分裂

1.Both Chi Zhijian s "Ling Workshop" and Jin Renshun s" Ballade for Adeline" narrate thestory in the way ofpersonality split and inquire into human feelings rich intension by means of artisticexpression on the basis of that.迟子建的《零作坊》和金仁顺的《水边的阿狄丽雅》都以“人格分裂”为叙事的切入点,并在此基础上以不同的艺术手法探讨人性的丰富内涵。

2.Her love to Beloved was deep,with some guiltiness,but it was also a malformed love,which made her become to degenerate and get apersonality split.这份沉重的爱最终使塞丝患上了严重的人格分裂症,后回归的宠儿其实就是塞丝自己。

6)split personality人格分裂

1.Representation of Split Personality in a Streetcar Named Desire;人格分裂在《欲望号街车》中的再现

2.Tragedy of Split Personality——On Eileen"s Cao Qiqiao人格分裂的悲剧——论张爱玲笔下的曹七巧形象

3.The theme ofsplit personality can be found in "Mrs.人格分裂的主题出现在《达洛维太太》中。


