1200字范文 > 生态戏剧 ecological drama英语短句 例句大全

生态戏剧 ecological drama英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 13:48:57


生态戏剧 ecological drama英语短句 例句大全

生态戏剧,ecological drama

1)ecological drama生态戏剧


1.An Eco-critical Reading of Three Chinese Plays;生态批评与中国生态戏剧——对三个戏剧文本的生态主义批评

2.Savage:classic of the eco-drama;《野人》:生态戏剧的经典之作——高行健剧作《野人》的生态解读

3.Experimental Theatre and Cultural Ecology: Re-thoughts on Shenzhen Theatre;实验戏剧与文化生态——深圳戏剧现象再思考

4.Alienation Effect: Exposing Drama as Ideology;陌生化:揭露戏剧的“意识形态”属性

5.To Break Through the Tight Encirclement--An analysis of the living conditions of operas;突出重围——对戏剧生存状态的解析

6.An Observation of Campus Theatrical Performance;回归表演原生态的仪式——校园戏剧表演状态研究

7.On the Origin and Development of Theatre and its Modern State from the Perspective of Art"s Subject Psychodynamics从艺术主体心理动因看戏剧的发生及现代状态

8.On Chen Dabei "Beauty-Love" Theory of Drama and Drama of Life;论陈大悲“爱美的”戏剧理论与戏剧人生

9.On the Formation of the Objective and Realistic Form of Modern Chinese Theatre;论中国现代戏剧客观写实戏剧形态的形成

10.The Song for the Gongmo Kerchief Dance and the Form of the Drama of Chinese Theatre in Their Early Phase;《巾舞歌辞》与中国早期戏剧的剧本形态

11.International Student Theatre Unio国际学生戏剧联合会

12.Have you ever see ibsen"s play?你看过易卜生的戏剧吗?

13.The Twin between Popularity and Vanguard,Criticising Mingling with Deep Thought --On the Richness of the Drama Form of the Thunderstorm;通俗与先锋孪生 批判与冥想交织——《雷雨》戏剧形态的丰富性

14.a theatrical pose; one of the most theatrical figures in public life.戏剧性的姿势;公众生活中最富戏剧性的人物。

15.Action and the Dramatic: Cornerstones of Tan Peisheng s Theory;动作与戏剧性:谭霈生戏剧本体理论的基石

16.Disclose the Drama into Drama--My Point of View about the Brecht s Theory of Being Strange;让戏剧暴露为戏剧——布莱希特陌生化理论之我见

17.On“Joining in the Fun on Occasion”and Its Theatrical Concept;“逢场作戏”蕴涵的人生教训和戏剧观念

18.The Characteristics of Chinese Dramas From the Performance of Ceremony Drama In Shanxi;从山西仪式剧的演出形态看中国戏剧的特点


Primordial ties on ancient drama戏剧缘生形态

3)dramatic form戏剧形态

1.Ondramatic form and characteristics of Large-shadow play大影戏戏剧形态及其艺术特征考

4)drama occurrence戏剧发生

1.By mainly using the symbolic theory of cultural anthropology and the theory of occurrence of drama, the author has made a comprehensive explanation to the entire Nuo structure, the symbolic system and the meaning of thedrama occurrence in Buzhang Nuo, and tried to provide a new thought for the research on culture of Nuo and a new exemplification for the myth of origin of Chinese drama.本文选取九江德安地方的布帐傩作为典型案例,“窥一斑以见全豹”,主要运用文化人类学象征理论与戏剧发生理论,对布帐傩整个傩事结构、象征体系及其在戏剧发生上的意义进行全面阐释,试图阐释傀儡在傩仪向戏曲转化过程中的桥梁作用,为解决中国戏剧起源之谜提供新的佐证。

5)dramatizing life戏剧人生

1.He also expressed the strong desire that his soul would be divorced from flesh and be attached to arts crafts in pursuit of eternity;namely,sublimating thedramatizing life via eternal artistry.诗人运用诗剧的形式来描写一位古稀老人对生命的哀叹:戏剧人生,短暂而悲凉;与此同时,诗人把写实、象征、玄思的方法有机结合在一起,勾勒出一个象征不朽艺术并带有神秘色彩的拜占庭形象,表达了要把脱离肉体的灵魂附着在代表永恒的艺术品之上的愿望,用艺术去升华戏剧人生,以获得不朽和永生。

6)pan-drama form泛戏剧形态


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
