1200字范文 > 外币折算准则 standard of foreign currency translation英语短句 例句大全

外币折算准则 standard of foreign currency translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-05 17:18:52


外币折算准则 standard of foreign currency translation英语短句 例句大全

外币折算准则,standard of foreign currency translation

1)standard of foreign currency translation外币折算准则


1.A Study on the Impact of Foreign Currency Translation Standard on Foreign Banks in China新外币折算准则对外资银行影响研究

2.An Theoretical Perspective of Methods of Foreign Currency Statement Translation and the Research on Our Country s Translation Standard;外币报表折算方法的理论透视和我国折算准则研究

3.The translation of foreign currency in the cash flow statement shall be subject to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 31- Cash Flow Statement.(三)现金流量表中的外币折算,适用《企业会计准则第31号--现金流量表》。

4.translation gain or loss指(外币折算的) 折算损益

5.Several Issues Concerning Foreign Currency Accounting Statement Convert;与外币会计报表折算有关的几个问题

6.Criterion of the Planar One-bend Routing Problem with Algorithm;平面单折布线的判别准则与算法实现

7.Transactions in foreign currency shall be converted into Renminbi in bookkeeping, and the conversion rate used, as well as the amounts in foreign currency, shall be recorded concurrently.以外国货币计算的,应当折合人民币记帐,同时登记外国货币金额和折合率。

8.If the external fund recommended by an attractor is convertible foreign exchange, the reward shall be calculated and paid on the basis of converting the foreign exchange into RMB according to the exchange rate on the foreign exchange settlement voucher如引资者引进的外来资金为可兑换外币,则按该笔外币结汇水单的汇率折为人民币计付。

9.Therefore, through the analysis of alternatives, the paper intends to present the best translation methods for China"s MNC.本文通过对外币报表折算方法的分析,试图探讨出我国跨国公司外币报表折算方法的最佳选择。

10.The Study on the Evaluation and Improvement of the Translation Methods of Foreign Currency Statements;企业外币报表折算方法的评价与改进研究

11.Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Choices of Foreign Currency Translations;影响我国外币折算方法选择的因素分析

12.On the Disclosure of the Financial statements of the Foreign Exchange Translation;上市公司外币报表折算差额披露的探讨

13.Current Rate Method And Temporal Method Of Foreign Currency Transformation In Financial Statement;外币报表折算中的现行汇率法和时态法

14.If a Renminbi cash contribution made by a Chinese venturer needs to be converted into a foreign currency, such conversion shall be made at the exchange rate quoted by the State Exchange Control Administration on the date on which the funds are paid.中国合营者出资的人民币现金,如需折合外币,按缴款当日国家外汇管理局公布的外汇牌价折算。

15.The sales amoumnt of the taxpayer settled in foreig n currencies shall be converted into renminbi according to the exchange rate prevailing in the forei gn exchamge market.销售额以人民币计算。纳税人以外汇结算销售额的,应当按外汇市场价格折合成人民币计算。

16.The conversion of RMB into other currency shall be in accordance with the exchange rate of the converting day published by the State Administration of Exchange Control of the People"s Republic of China.人民币同其他外币折算,按实际发生之日中华人民共和国国家外汇管理局公布的汇价计算。

17.devaluation and conversion procedures货币贬值与折算程序

18.translation adjustment(指货币的) 折算调整


foreign currency translation外币折算

1.The current methods offoreign currency translations mainly consist of the flexible -nonflexible method, the monetary-nonmonetary method, the current rate method and the temporal method.目前外币折算方法主要有流动与非流动项目法、货币与非货币项目法、现行汇率法和时态法。

3)translation of foreign currency financial statements外币报表折算

1.With the speeding up of economic globalization and capital internationalization, the international investment is on the growth, and the multinational corporations (MNC) are playing an increasingly vital role in world economy, which makes more crucial thetranslation of foreign currency financial statements, the prerequisite for preparing MNC s consolidated financial statements.随着全球经济一体化和资本国际化进程的加快,国际间投资业务不断扩大,跨国公司在整个世界经济中所发挥的作用和所占的比例也越来越大,使得作为跨国公司编制合并财务报表前提的外币报表折算显得越发重要。

2.With the swift development of the economic globalization, as one of the general accepted and three major difficult problems in nowadays international accounting field, the choice of methods of Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements seems much more important.作为当今国际会计领域公认的三大难题之一,随着经济全球化的迅猛发展,外币报表折算方法的选择显得越来越重要,这也成为了目前会计理论界和实务界一直探讨的焦点之一。

4)Foreign currency statement translation外币报表折算

1.Foreign currency statement translation, which is primarily aimed at consolidated financial statement and the difficult point of which mainly focus on choosing the translation methodologies , is one of the most vexing and controversial technical issues in the international accounting.外币报表折算是当今国际会计的四大难题之一,它主要是为了满足跨国公司编制合并报表的需要,其难点主要集中在各种折算方法的选择上。

5)translation of foreign currency statements外币报表折算

1.In order to set up the appropriate and advanced translation principle, the whole construction of thetranslation of foreign currency statements should be taken into our consideration.目前各国外币报表折算方法的选择往往依据所提出的某一个概念,缺乏系统完整的概念体系。

6)currency translation exposure外币折算风险


