1200字范文 > 真情实感 true feelings英语短句 例句大全

真情实感 true feelings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 02:08:27


真情实感 true feelings英语短句 例句大全

真情实感,true feelings

1)true feelings真情实感

1.How to improve the ability? The two points are suggested: firstly, beginning withtrue feelings; giving students the initiative rights to comment on them.一、从真情实感说开去 ;二、把作文批改的主动权交给学生。


1.And the modesty of real emotions avoids the excesses of those falsely created.含蓄的真情实感避免了过分的造作。

2.I had a glimpse of his true feelings.我窥见到他的真实感情。

3.Dreiser"s work is the truth of feeling, and of incident.德莱塞的作品是感情上的真实,加之情节也真实。

4.To disguise or conceal one"s real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance.掩饰感情用假象掩盖真实的性格、动机或感情

5.Her worried face gave me a glimpse of her true feelings.她的忧伤表情使我感受到她内心的真实感情。

6.She had feeling, genuine feeling.她有感情,有纯真的感情。

7.What are your true feelings towards Big Brother?你对老大哥的真实感情是什么?

8.He tried to disguise his real feelings.他试图掩饰他真实的感情。

9.She tried to disguise her real feelings.她试图掩饰自己的真实情感。

10.She is altogether too representative of the gut feeling in the constituencies.她彻底体现了选民们的真实感情。

11.He didn" t want to reveal his real feelings.他不想露出他的真实情感。

12.His cheerful manner belied his real feelings.他那快活的样子掩饰了他真实的感情。

13.Qi Yuan:Conflict between Enlightenment Intention and True Feeling;《憩园》:启示意图与情感真实的冲突

14.The Reseach of Continued Development Ability Training on Young Teacher in the Middle School;学校管理中要重视“真”“情”“实”“感”

15.Painting Work Is the Reflection the of Painter s Internal World;绘画作品是画家内心情感的真实写照

16.The Value Demand about the True Feeling in the Field of Chinese Subject Teaching语文学科视域中“真实”情感的价值诉求

17.genuine emotion; her interest in people was unfeigned; true grief.真实的情感;她对人民的兴趣是真实的;真实的忧伤。

18.Sentiment and Terror: The Strongest Feelings of Human Spirit;感伤与恐怖:人类最真实的情感体验——试析哥特式小说的情感内涵


genuine feeling真情实感

1.The content of her poem was thegenuine feeling of herself,and the daily records reflected strong female self-consciousness.她的闺情词不似唐宋男子所作的代言体终究隔了一层,而是自我真情实感的自然流露,从日常生活的记录中折射出强烈的女性自我意识。

3)true feelings; real sentiments真实的感情

4)sincere feelings真挚情感

5)truth to the sentiment情感的真

6)genuine emotion真感情


