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真性情 true feelings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 15:22:20


真性情 true feelings英语短句 例句大全

真性情,true feelings

1)true feelings真性情

1.Such agreement lies so much in their emphasis ontrue feelings,good taste and rational refuge,which deserve our deliberation.作者蒲松龄在创作理念上与明代后期被统治者视为"异端"的思想家、文学评论家李贽的"童心说"理论有不少契合之处,主要表现在注重真性情、重趣味、重寄托等方面。


1.True Man,True Essays--Cao Zhi"s Works study性情其人,真诚其文——由曹植诗文看其真性情

2.Real Face and Real People: after Reading Zhou Libo’s Proses;真人真性情——走进周立波的散文世界

3.Qinq-Qiang--the Herald of the Big Prose;《秦腔》:大散文的先声真性情的歌哭

4.Study of the Personality-reflecting Poetess Wang Yunyu in the Qing Dynasty“自道真性情”的清代女诗人汪韫玉研究

5.It is our choices that show whta we truely are, far more than our ability.能显示我们真性情的不是能力,是如何抉择。

6.You go for person that"s trustworthy.你最喜欢与一些有著真性情的人做朋友。

7.Tu Long s Development of Emotional Theory of the Ancient Restoration School by His Moody Theory;论屠隆“性情说”对复古派“情真说”的发展

8.Loving Is No Love Affecting Is No Affection--Analysis on the Vulnerability of Junsheng s Personality;爱即非爱 情非真情——涓生个性弱点浅析

9.The True Colors Pure True Feelings Leap--women s conciousness diplayed in Li Qingzhao s works;本色纯真 真情跃动——李清照词中彰显的女性意识

10.To disguise or conceal one"s real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance.掩饰感情用假象掩盖真实的性格、动机或感情

11.he didn"t know the score.他并不十分把握事情的真实性。

12.He said the continuing circumstances were unfortunate.他说那种持续性的情况真的很倒楣。

13.She has a frivolous nature and won" t take anything seriously.她生性轻浮,什么事情都不肯认真对待。

14.I challenged the truth of their story.我对他们所说情况的真实性表示怀疑。

15.Correctitude of Disposition Appreciated by Zhen Dexiu in His The Book of Songs;真德秀《诗经》评点的“性情之正”说

16.The lyric female images in Zhu Shuzhen s works of ode to flowers and trees;朱淑真咏花木作品中的抒情女性形象

17.A discussion of Liyu Ci s features;至情至性真词人——李煜词特色管窥

18.Real in emotion and skillful in techniques-tentative analysis of YUAN Mei s personality theory;诗情贵真,诗艺贵巧──袁枚的“性灵说”探析


true-love brand relationship真情性品牌关系

3)true feelings真情

1.The reason why it is so astonishingly touching is thattrue feelings,wisdom,and solemn mournfulness take their root in the simp.究其原因,即平实中蕴真情、平实中含哲理、平实中见悲怆。

2.Three points are mentioned in it about the realm,true feelings and skills of poetry writing .阅读归纳,其理论观点大致体现在三个方面:提出“境界”之说、诗文之道——贵在真情、文学创作中的若干讲究,见解独到,给人颇多启示。

3.Together with You,the film of urban theme,integrates together music andtrue feelings,the human spirit that surpasses regions,races and languages,shocking the souls of modern people with true love.《和你在一起》这部陈凯歌的都市小题材之作,把音乐和真情这两个超越地域、不分种族、不分语言的人类精神结合在一起,以爱震撼着现代人的心灵。

4)true feeling真情

1.She s tender, honest, virtuous, and righteous, Yet some critics degenerated and even erased the spirit of humanity embedded on her on account of over-emphasizing the class factors, By analyzing the text itself we will find out that:true feelings and philanthropy overflowing of Cordelia s heart were not only fresh in Renaissance England, but also genial and perceptible today.拨开阶级意识的迷雾,会发现理智、内心涌动着热情的考狄利娅不但在文艺复兴时期的英国是那样的富有朝气,且她的真情和博爱在历史的今天仍旧是这样的亲切,熠熠生辉。

2.One of Liang Shuming s philosophical thoughts is to advocate "true feeling", but it is manifested in interpreting Confucianism, Buddhism, and in evaluating sages.提倡真情是梁漱溟哲学思想的一个重要内容。

5)true feelings情真

1.Worldly Notes on Ci Poems, written by Wang Guowei, emphasizes that the Ci Poems composed by Li Yu expressestrue feelings and utter innocence.2、其词表达内容之真:后主常将自己的生活感受入词,因而由于前后生活状况的反差,其词在内容上明显分为前后两个时期,但它们又共同具有“情真”这一特色:前期写宫廷享乐生活的感受时对自己的沉迷与陶醉不加掩饰;后期写亡国之痛更是血泪至情。

2.The poems reflect both histrue feelings and his aesthetic understandings of imagination and philosophy,especially his consciousness in artistic pursuit.他的五、七言体律诗能自由往来于理性和感性、思妙与辞美、严谨与自由、理论和诗情之间,既是诗人"情真"所至的表达,也是诗人想象和哲思两兼的审美之悟,尤是诗人自觉艺术的追求,诗人在人文和自然风物之中创生了独特的审美意境,形成了以"情"、"境"、"悟"为突出特质的美学特色和审美情怀。


1.The analysis of the real sentiments andnature consciousness in LiuChenweng" literary thought管窥刘辰翁文学思想中的“情真”与“自然”理念

2.As analysis of these aspects shows that there is a real sentiment andnature consciousness in his literary thought.通过对这些内容的分析与归纳,再联系他的诗词创作以及所生活的时代与个人的经历,可以看出其文学思想中具有鲜明的追求"情真"与"自然"的理念。


真情1.本心;真实的感情。 2.实在的情况。
