1200字范文 > 侧航法 crabbed method英语短句 例句大全

侧航法 crabbed method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-23 16:53:43


侧航法 crabbed method英语短句 例句大全

侧航法,crabbed method

1)crabbed method侧航法

1.Based on the characteristics of flying wing UAVs,crosswind landing control systems were designed through thecrabbed method and the side-slipping method.针对飞翼无人机的特性,利用侧航法和侧滑法设计了侧风着陆控制系统,仿真了系统抗侧风干扰的能力并进行了对比分析。

2)go sideways侧航


1.The maneuvering of an aircraft partially into a crosswind to compensate for drift.飞机侧航部分操纵飞行器使之进入逆风以抵消滑行

2.(used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail.(用于船的)在航海中易于倾侧的。

3.Strong cross-winds blew the aircraft off course.强劲的侧风把飞机吹得偏离了航线.

4.A Discussion on the Feasibility of the Development of Both Sides of the Navigable Waters of Changjiang Mouth Deep Water Channel长江口深水航道南北两侧可航水域开发、使用的可行性探讨

5.Reach: To sail across the wind, or between the extremes of beat and run.侧风:横穿风向航行,介入顺风和迎风之间。

6.The captain had to hold the wheel firmly to prevent the ship from broaching to.船长牢牢掌住航轮,以防船的侧面迎着风浪。

7.The left-vertical pane provides navigation and drives the content of the overview pane in the upper right.左侧垂直窗格提供导航,驱动右上角的内容总览。

8.Assessment of Lateral Collision Risk of Parallel Routes Based on CNS Performances基于CNS性能的平行航路侧向碰撞风险评估

9.FEM Analysis of Deformation Correction by Side-wall Rolling of Aircraft Monolithic Components航空整体结构件侧壁滚压校正的有限元分析

10.Analysis on Cross-track Deviation of Required Navigation Performance(RNP) Based on Flight Data基于飞行数据的所需导航性能(RNP)侧向偏差分析

11.The guidance signal of vision guidance system consists of the lateral deviation and the orientation deviation between the guidance directrix and the vehicle axis.视觉导航系统的导航信息是指导航线与车辆轴线的侧向位移偏差和角度偏著。

12.The next time you visit, use the bar on the left to navigate the site.下一次访问时,您可以使用左侧的导航栏连接到站点上。

13.Cathay Pacific Airways( CPA), the largest of the three, concentrated its expansion in1997 by increasing frequencies on existing routes.年内,该公司的业务拓展侧重于增加现有航线的班次。

14.Study on the Adaptive Cancellation Techniques of Vibration Noise for Flank Array of Underwater Vehicle;水下航行器舷侧阵振动噪声自适应抵消技术研究

15.Research on the Navigation Technology of AGV with Binocular Vision System and Lateral Track;基于双目立体视觉和侧向路径的AGV导航技术研究

16.Use of electromagnetic navigation system combined with Stagnara fluoroscopy in idiopathic scoliosis surgery电磁导航系统结合Stagnara投照法在特发性脊柱侧凸手术中的应用

17.The application of neuro-navigation system in the far-lateral keyhole approach神经导航在远外侧锁孔入路解剖学研究中的应用

18.lateral buds, shoots, branches, etc侧芽、 侧条、 侧枝.


go sideways侧航

3)crabbed crosswind approach航向法修正侧风进场

4)lateral navigation侧向导航

1.Study oflateral navigation and simulation for unmanned air vehicle in crosswind;介绍了无人机侧向导航控制律、切换准则和控制参数的限定;分析了侧风对无人机自主飞行时姿态的影响,以及在一种常用侧向控制律下形成侧风偏差的原因,给出了解决的办法。

5)forward slip[航]前侧滑

6)side of the fairway航道侧面


侧侧1.多貌。 2.寒貌。 3.象声词。叹息声。 4.指其他声音。
