1200字范文 > 外国文学批评 foreign literature studies英语短句 例句大全

外国文学批评 foreign literature studies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 02:29:35


外国文学批评 foreign literature studies英语短句 例句大全

外国文学批评,foreign literature studies

1)foreign literature studies外国文学批评

1.From the above mentioned analysis this paper intends to delve into the value of translation literature in the development of national literature andforeign literature studies.拟通过对中、英文学翻译史上庞德英译汉语诗和日本"能乐剧"在"意象主义"运动发生过程中的作用,及济慈作品和美学思想研究中的两例的分析,从一个侧面剖析翻译文学的价值,即其在国别(民族)文学发展史和外国文学批评史中的价值。

2)Chinese literature criticism中国文学批评学

1.With the western literature penetrating and the native critical tradition being rearranged,Chinese literature criticism has brought about more academic energy than ever before since the new period.新时期以来,伴随着西学东渐及本土批评传统的重新梳整,中国文学批评学焕发出前所未有的学术活力。

3)American literary studies美国文学批评


1.American Nationalist Ideology in Asian American Literary Criticism亚裔美国文学批评中的美国民族主义思想

2.The American Asian Literary Criticism and the Post-modernization亚裔美国文学批评与后现代、后现代理论

3.On aesthetic foundations of Russian formalistic criticism;俄国形式主义文学批评论的美学基础

4.Melting of Archetype Theory and American Literature Works;原型批评理论与美国文学作品的互融

5.Chinese American Women s Iiterature and Post-colonial Criticism;美国华裔女性文学与后殖民主义批评

6.The comtemporary Afro-American feminism literature and criticism is a new thought in the field of contemporary western literature and criticism.美国黑人女性文学与批评是当代西方文学与批评领域的新思潮。

7.Shifting of Critical Perspective:Characteristics of "Americanization" in Chinese-Americans Literature;批评视角的转换:美国华裔文学的“美国化”特征

8.New Criticism and American Research on Modern Chinese Literature新批评派与美国汉学界的中国现当代文学研究

9.New Criticism and Chinese Literary Research of American Chinese Study新批评派与美国汉学界的中国文学研究

10.On the Limited Perspective of Cultural Criticism in the Study of Chinese American Literature;质疑华裔美国文学研究中的“唯文化批评”

11.The Limitation of the Criticism of Chinese Contemporary Popular Literature from Aesthetics" View;美学视野下中国当代通俗文学批评的局限

12.Harold Bloom,American present age renowned literature critic.哈罗德·布鲁姆,美国当代著名文学批评家。

13.On the Value Adoption of Aesthetic Realization of China s Literacy Criticisim in the 20th Century;中国20世纪文学理论批评审美感悟价值取向论

14.On The Theory of Aesthetic Principles of Political Teaching in Ancient Chinese Literary Criticism;中国古代文学批评中的政教审美原则论

15.A Summary on Development of American Feminist Literary Criticism;美国20世纪黑人女权主义文学批评发展概述

16.On the Development and Aesthetic Characteristics of Classical Chinese Ci-Poetry Literary Criticism;中国古代词体文学批评的发展及其审美特征

17.On the Aesthetic Styles and the Modern Characteristics of Wang Guo -wei s Literary Criticism;漫谈审美方式与王国维文学批评的现代性

18.The Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism and the Mechanism of Literary Criticism当代中国文学批评的建构与批评机制


Chinese literature criticism中国文学批评学

1.With the western literature penetrating and the native critical tradition being rearranged,Chinese literature criticism has brought about more academic energy than ever before since the new period.新时期以来,伴随着西学东渐及本土批评传统的重新梳整,中国文学批评学焕发出前所未有的学术活力。

3)American literary studies美国文学批评

4)the history of Chinese literary criticism中国文学批评史

1.Zheng Zhenduo made some contributions to the studies ofthe history of Chinese literary criticism.郑振铎为中国文学批评史研究作出了一定贡献。

2.The established terminology "the history of Chinese literary criticism" actually conveys multi- ple meanings.“中国文学批评史”这一称谓,表面上约定俗成,其实客观上存在着多重指向。

3.The discipline ofthe history of Chinese literary criticism came into being and developped under the condition of the interflow of Chinese and Western literatures in the 21st century.中国文学批评史学科是在本世纪中西文学的交汇中发生和发展起来的。

5)Chinese literary criticism中国文学批评

1.Many scholars devote themselves to modern transf or mation study in the field ofChinese literary criticism.许多学者致力于中国文学批评的现代转型研究 ,但要将中国文学批评成功地进行现代转型 ,首先必须澄清三个问题 ,即何为中国文学批评的“转型”,何为中国文学批评的“现代”,何为中国文学批评的“现代转型”。

2.Chinese literary criticism has undergone three stages, i.中国文学批评视角的转换从"五四"到新中国建立,再到新时期,经历了三个阶段,实现了由社会政治视角到人性人情视角,再到审美视角,其后到文化视角的单维向多维的转换。

3.From the mayforth movement to the founding of the new china,and to the new period,the transformations of visual angle of the chinese literary criticism,and it has realized the treansferring from social visual angle to the human feeling and nature visual angle,then to the aesthetic visual angle,and at last from single to the multidimentional visual angle of culture.中国文学批评视角的转换从“五四”到新中国建立 ,再到新时期 ,经历了三个阶段 ,实现了由社会政治视角到人性人情视角 ,再到审美视角 ,其后到文化视角的单维向多维的转换。

6)History of Chinese Literary Criticism中国文学批评史

1.Zheng Zhenduo made some contributions to the studies of the history of Chinese literary criticism.郑振铎为中国文学批评史研究作出了一定贡献。


外国1.古代指中央政府以外的政权。后以指本国以外的国家。 2.犹外地,外乡。
